Cigna Open Access Plus In-Network

Cigna Open Access Plus plans offer choice and convenience—access to a broad national provider network, while allowing you to make your own health care choices. You must use a Cigna in-network provider while participating in this plan. During an emergency or urgent care situation, you may go to any emergency facility or receive approval to use out-of-network services.


ID Cards

  • Present your electronic ID card at your doctor's office or the pharmacy when you or a covered dependent receives services.
  • Please note: ID cards have important information needed to process the pharmacy claim. Pharmacists use the BIN, PCN, and Rx Group numbers to access benefits. 


Call the toll-free number on the back of your Cigna ID card. You can also chat with Cigna online at, Monday–Friday, 9:00 am–8:00 pm EST. Wesleyan’s group number is 3188492.


Benefit Disclaimer

Benefit summaries are provided for the convenience of Wesleyan employees. Employees are directed to read the relevant benefit plan documents. In the event of a conflict between the terms of any summary and the terms of actual plan documents, the terms of plan documents will control. Except where prohibited by collective bargaining or other agreement, Wesleyan reserves the right to alter, modify, or suspend any benefit at any time. While Wesleyan selects its benefit providers after thoughtful review, it disclaims responsibility for the ultimate performance of such providers.