For undergraduate and graduate students to make changes to their spring schedule, including adding or dropping a 4th Quarter Class, navigate to your Class Schedule in WesPortal and take the necessary actions.
Individual tutorials, numbered 401-402 and 421-422, are available only to sophomores, juniors and seniors. A tutorial may not be given when a comparable course is available in the same academic year. Students may not count more than four course credits combined of individual and group tutorials toward degree requirements. Tutorial courses must be approved by the faculty tutor, the chair of the department/program in which the tutorial is given, and the advisor.
Tutorial applications must be submitted electronically during Drop/Add. For detailed directions on how to submit the electronic form please review the information available in the manual above. The online form requires that all fields be filled in, including a concise description of the topic and work to be done.
Tutorial requests NOT completed during Drop/Add may only be added by submitting a petition to the Class Deans in addition to the regularly required approvals. The late add paper application forms are available at the Registrar's Office.
Student Forums
Student-run group tutorials, numbered 419 or 420, must be sponsored by a faculty member and approved by the chair of a department or program. Proposals for a Student Forum must be submitted by the department or program chair to the Office of Academic Affairs by the end of exams prior to the semester in which the course will be offered. The Application forms and instructions are available in the Registrar's Office. A student may count two student forum credits toward degree requirements but is limited to a combined maximum of two credits in physical education and student forum courses (Entry Fall 2000 and after).