Spring 2025 Important Dates:


Degree Requirements

Wesleyan University confers only one undergraduate degree: the Bachelor of Arts. Degrees are awarded once a year at Commencement. Students who complete the requirement for the degree at other times during the year will be recommended to receive the degree at the next Commencement.   Based on a modification voted by the faculty, the requirements for this degree, specified below, are for students who entered Wesleyan prior to the Fall of 2000.   Students entering Wesleyan in and after the Fall of 2000 must refer to the appropriate section of the degree requirements and academic regulations elsewhere.

Graduation Requirements for Entry Prior to the Fall of 2000

For those students who entered Wesleyan prior to the Fall of 2000, the requirements are: (l) satisfaction of requirements for concentration(s); (2) satisfactory completion of 34 course credits, no fewer than 16 of which must be earned at Wesleyan or in Wesleyan-sponsored programs; (3) a cumulative average of 74 percent or work of equivalent quality; and (4) at least four semesters of full-time residence at Wesleyan or in Wesleyan-sponsored programs. Full-time residence at Wesleyan means enrollment for at least three credits in a given semester.

Students can count toward the total of 34 course credits required for the B.A. no more than 14 course credits in any one department (15 with a senior project and 16 with a two-credit senior thesis). Among the 14 course credits in any one department (15 or 16 with project or thesis) that can be counted toward the degree requirements, no more than 12 course credits numbered 201 or higher (13 or 14 with project or thesis) can be included, and no more than four course credits numbered from 101 to 200. If a given course appears in more than one departmental listing, i.e., is cross-listed, it must be counted in the departments in which it is listed.

No more than two credits in physical education, two teaching apprentice credits, two student forum credits, four individual tutorial credits, and a total of four independent study and education-in-the-field credits may be counted toward the 34 credits needed to complete degree requirements.

A student who is deficient in meeting the requirements for graduation by no more than two credits or who has failed senior comprehensives may be awarded the degree “upon completion.”

The normal academic load is four credits in each of six semesters and five credits in each of two (usually the sophomore year). If conversion to semester hours is required, each Wesleyan credit may be assigned a value of three and one-half semester hours.


To satisfy the concentration requirement, a student must complete a departmental major, an interdepartmental major, or a collegiate program (College of Letters and College of Social Studies).   A student will graduate if the requirements of one concentration/major are fulfilled in conjunction with the completion of other degree requirements.  

Students should apply for acceptance as a major in a department or program by the first week of March of the sophomore year. Declaration as a major in a department or program may not be made prior to the start of the second semester of the sophomore year. Application for membership in the College of Letters or the College of Social Studies should be submitted by the end of the first year. Eligibility requirements are set by the department, program, or college, which may deny access or the privilege of continuation to any student whose performance is unsatisfactory. A student who has not been accepted as a major or as a member of a collegiate program by the beginning of the junior year may not be permitted to enroll in the University. A student who has not submitted a Senior Concentration Form to the Dean’s Office at the beginning of the senior year may not be permitted to enroll until the Senior Concentration Form is submitted.

Departmental Major Programs

The departmental major is an integrated program of advanced study approved by the major department. It consists of a minimum of eight course credits numbered 201 or higher. No more than four course credits in the departmental major may be elected from other than the major department.

The major advisor must approve any change in a student’s concentration. If the change occurs during the senior year, the student must submit a new Senior Concentration Form to the Dean’s Office.

Comprehensive Examination

In those departments in which a Comprehensive Examination is required, passing the examination is a condition of graduation. The major departments determine the nature and scope of the examinations, the amount of supervision to be given to the student in preparation for them, and the time and place of their administration. Both oral and written examinations may be required.

A student who has passed the Comprehensive Examination with a grade deemed creditable by the major department may be excused by the department from the final examination of the last semester in any course in that department and in any extra departmental course included in the concentration program. The student may substitute the grade attained in the Comprehensive Examination for the final examination grade in each of the designated courses. In all such cases, permission of the course instructor is required.

If a student fails to qualify for the degree in the senior year solely through failure to attain a satisfactory grade in the Comprehensive Examination, having satisfied all other requirements for graduation, the student may be permitted to take a second Comprehensive Examination.

Interdepartmental Major Programs

The University offers three kinds of interdepartmental majors:

1.    Interdepartmental Majors —At present, these are African American studies, American studies, archaeological studies, East Asian studies, film studies, Latin American studies, medieval studies, Russian and East European studies, science in society, and women’s studies. The list may change from time to time.      

2.    Departmentally Sponsored Interdepartmental Majors —Two related departments may offer a joint major, subject to approval by the Educational Policy Committee. At present, the approved programs are mathematics-economics and neuroscience and behavior.

3.    University Majors —A student may arrange a University Major program involving two or more departments, provided that an ad hoc group of at least three members of the faculty approves and supervises the program. Students contemplating a University major should be accepted for admission to a regular departmental major, since the proposal for a University major must be approved by the subcommittee.   Deadlines for application are November 1 for the fall semester and April 1 for the spring semester.   Additional information about the application procedure may be obtained from the Office of the Dean of the College.

All interdepartmental major programs, like departmental major programs, must include at least eight course credits numbered 201 or higher. Other conditions, including additional courses, may be imposed.

Collegiate Programs

In the spring of the first year, an undergraduate may apply for admission to the College of Letters or the College of Social Studies. Both of these programs offer an organized course of study continuing through the sophomore, junior, and senior years and leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts.


To help students pursue the goals of general education, the faculty has divided the curriculum into three areas and established a distributional expectation for each of them. The three areas and the codes used to designate them are the natural sciences and mathematics (NSM), the social and behavioral sciences (SBS), and the humanities and the arts (HA).

General education courses in the natural sciences and mathematics introduce students to key methods of thought and language that are indispensable to a liberal education as well as to our scientifically and technologically complex culture. They are intended to provide scientific skills necessary for critically evaluating contemporary problems. These courses apply scientific method, utilize quantitative reasoning, and enhance scientific literacy. They also provide a means of comparison to other modes of inquiry by including historical, epistemological, and ethical perspectives. The natural science and mathematics departments have made special efforts to design and present a variety of courses that meet these objectives and are appropriate for future majors in the humanities, arts, and social sciences, as well as those interested in majoring in one of the natural sciences or mathematics.

General education courses in the social and behavioral sciences introduce students to the systematic study of human behavior, both social and individual. They survey the historical processes that have shaped the modern world, examine political institutions and economic practices, scrutinize the principal theories and ideologies that form and interpret these institutions, and present methods for analyzing the workings of the psyche and society.

General education courses in the humanities and the arts introduce students to languages and literature, to the arts and the mass media, and to philosophy and aesthetics—in short, to the works of the creative imagination as well as to systems of thought, belief, and communication. These courses provide both historical perspectives on and critical approaches to a diverse body of literary, artistic, and cultural materials.

The General Education Expectations are divided into Stages 1 and 2. The expectation for Stage 1 is that all students will distribute their course work in the first two years in such a way that by the end of the fourth semester, they will have earned at least two course credits in each of the three areas, all from different departments or programs. To meet the expectation of Stage 2, students must also take one additional course credit in each of the three areas prior to graduation, for a total of nine general education course credits. Advanced Placement and transfer credits do not meet Wesleyan’s General Education Expectations. However, courses taken prior to matriculating at Wesleyan may be considered for general education equivalency credit for transfer students.   Students may also request that individual courses taken on an approved study abroad program or a sponsored domestic study away program be considered for equivalency, and courses taken on Wesleyan administered study abroad programs or through the Twelve College Exchange are coded for equivalency.

A student who does not meet the Expectations will not be eligible for University Honors, Phi Beta Kappa, honors in general scholarship, and for honors in certain departments.

Please note: Not all courses in the Wesleyan curriculum count toward the General Education Expectations. Appropriate courses have been assigned a general education department or program and a general education area (i.e., NSM, SBS, or HA).   When a course has multiple general educational area assignments, a student must select one general education area assignment by the end of the drop/add period.   Individual and group tutorials never carry a general education designation.

The inclusion of courses that fulfill General Education Expectations is vital to a liberal education. In consultation with their advisors, first-year students and sophomores should choose courses that represent the essential subject matter and methodology of the natural sciences and mathematics, the social and behavioral sciences, and the humanities and the arts.


Semester Credits

Students are normally expected to earn four credits in each of six semesters and five in each of two semesters (usually the sophomore year).   A student who plans a course schedule with fewer than four or as many as six credits must have the approval of the faculty advisor and his or her class dean. A three-credit program is considered a schedule for which full tuition will be charged. A student who takes more than the normal number of credits for the purpose of acceleration will incur additional tuition charges (see the Acceleration section). Candidates for the undergraduate degree may not enroll as part-time students (fewer than three credits).   The exception is for seniors completing the second half of their senior thesis who need only this credit to fulfill all degree requirements.   They may enroll for only the one thesis credit in their last semester, but may be subject to acceleration charges since the semester will not count as a Wesleyan semester.

Grading System

A student’s academic performance in individual courses taken at Wesleyan will be graded either by the use of letter grades (A-F), or by the designations credit (CR) or unsatisfactory (U). At the discretion of the instructor, all the students in a course may be restricted to a single grading mode, or each student may be allowed to choose between the two modes. Instructors announce the grading options in WesMaps. In courses in which students have a choice of grading mode, the final choice must be made by the end of the drop/add period.

Whenever the credit/unsatisfactory mode is used, the faculty member is expected to submit to the Registrar’s Office a written evaluation of the student’s work in the course.


A student’s work in courses using letter grades is evaluated as follows: A, excellent; B, good; C, fair; D, passing but unsatisfactory; E, failure; and F, bad failure. These letter grades (with the exception of the grade of F) may be modified by the use of plus and minus signs.


The numerical equivalents of the letter grades are:


                  A+    =        98.3                         C-       =       71.7

                  A         =        95.0                         D+      =       68.3

                  A-      =        91.7                         D        =       65.0

                  B+     =        88.3                         D-       =       61.7

                  B       =        85.0                         E+      =       58.3

                  B-      =        81.7                         E        =       55.0

                  C+      =        78.3                         E-       =       51.7

                  C       =        75.0                         F        =       45.0

Credit in Two-Semester Courses (Required Course Sequences)

The granting of credit in two-semester courses (indicated by the "Required Course Sequence" notation in WesMaps) is contingent upon successful completion of both semesters.   A student who has failed the first semester of a required course sequence may not continue in the second semester without the permission of the instructor and the dean of the college.   A student who receives the grade of E (but not F) at midyear in a course running through the year and who is permitted by the instructor to continue the course in the second semester may receive credit for the first semester at the completion of the course upon the recommendation of the instructor to the dean of the college.   At that time, the instructor may also recommend a revision of the first-semester grade.   If this is not done, the grade for the first semester will remain recorded as E, but credit will be given for the first semester's work.   A student who fails the second semester of a two-semester course loses credit for both semesters.  

Honors Program

A degree with honors can be earned two ways: (1) departmental honors will be awarded to the student who has done outstanding work in the major field of study and met the standards for honors or high honors set by the respective department or program; (2) honors in general scholarship will be awarded to the student who is a University major, or is working on an interdisciplinary thesis, or is working under a department other than the major. The candidate for honors in general scholarship must fulfill General Education Expectations and submit a senior thesis that meets the standard for honors or high honors set by the Committee on Honors.

In the fall semester of the senior year, all candidates for departmental honors must enroll in a senior thesis tutorial or ask that their department forward their names to the honors committee as candidates. For honors in general scholarship, each candidate must submit (1) a brief proposal describing the honors work; (2) a short statement telling how General Education Expectations have been or will be fulfilled; and (3) letters of support from the thesis tutor and the department chair of the student’s major (or, in the case of a University major, from the Committee on University Majors). The completed thesis is due in mid-April.   More detailed information is available from the Honors Coordinator.

University honors are the highest award Wesleyan bestows. To be eligible, a student must fulfill General Education Expectations, earn high honors (either departmental or in general scholarship), be recommended for University honors, and qualify in an oral examination administered by the Committee on Honors.

Phi Beta Kappa

The oldest national scholastic honor society, Phi Beta Kappa at Wesleyan is limited to 12 percent of the graduating class each year. Election to the society is based on grades and fulfillment of the eligibility requirements described below.

Fall election is based on grades through the end of a student’s junior year and fulfillment of the General Education Expectations (Stages 1 and 2). Normally between 10 and 15 are elected in the fall; transfer students are not eligible for consideration at this time.

Spring election is based on grades through the end of a student’s first semester of the senior year and fulfillment of the General Education Expectations (Stages 1 and 2). Transfer students are eligible for consideration at this time. It is preferred that students complete their General Education Expectations in their first semester senior year. However, a rationale for second-semester completion is not required provided that the secretary of the Gamma Chapter continuously monitors those students to guarantee completion of Stage 2 of the General Education Expectations.

In addition to fulfilling the General Education Expectations, students are expected to have a grade point average of 90 or above. Students are nominated by their major departments.

Academic Review and Promotion

The University expects students to make good use of Wesleyan’s educational resources. A student is expected to satisfy the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts within eight semesters. For regular promotion from semester to semester, an undergraduate is expected to maintain a cumulative average of 74 percent and satisfy the following minimum earned credit requirements. Pending credit (i.e., incomplete, ABs) with provisional failing grades may not be considered earned. Upon resolution of an incomplete or AB grade, a student’s academic status will be reviewed .   Changes in class standing are made at the end of each semester.

Under the graduation requirements for students who entered prior to the fall of 2000, the minimum earned credit requirements are :


after one semester, two credits (four credits expected);

after two semesters, six credits (eight credits expected);

after three semesters, 10 credits (13 credits expected);

after four semesters, 15 credits (18 credits expected);

after five semesters, 19 credits (22 credits expected);

after six semesters, 24 credits (26 credits expected);

after seven semesters, 28 credits (30 credits expected);

for promotion to the sophomore class, satisfactory completion of at least six credits;

for promotion to the junior class, satisfactory completion of at least 15 credits and acceptance as a major in a department;

for promotion to the senior class, satisfactory completion of at least 24 credits and acceptability for continuance as a major in a department.

Students whose academic performance is deficient will be subject to the following forms of academic discipline, according to the seriousness of the deficiencies.


1.   Warning —The mildest form of academic discipline, usually recommended for students whose academic work in one course is passing but unsatisfactory.


2.    Probation —The category of academic discipline used when the academic deficiency is serious, usually involving failure to achieve the requisite cumulative average of 74 percent, failure in one course, or passing but unsatisfactory work in two or more courses. A student on probation is required to perform at a satisfactory level in all courses. Failure to do so usually results in more serious discipline. A student who receives more than two incompletes without the dean’s permission may also be placed on probation.


3.    Strict Probation —The category of discipline used in very serious cases of academic deficiency, usually involving at least one of the following conditions:

a.              failure in one course and passing but unsatisfactory work in another;

b.              passing but unsatisfactory work in three or more courses;

c.              unsatisfactory work in one or more courses while on probation;

d.              credit deficiency for promotion; or

e.              earning two or fewer credits in a single semester.

Students on strict probation are required to attend all classes, to complete all work on time, and meet regularly with their class dean. They also are not permitted to receive an incomplete without the class dean’s approval. Two or more semesters on strict probation, sequential or not, may require a student to resign from the University.


4.   Required Resignation —The category of discipline used when the student’s academic performance is so deficient as to warrant the student’s departure from the University for the purpose of correcting the deficiencies. The notation “resigned” will be entered on the student’s official transcript. The performance of students who are required to resign will usually involve at least one of the following deficiencies:

a. For all students:

i.    failure to earn the required number of credits for promotion.

b. If a student is in good standing:

i.   failure in two or more courses, or

ii. failure in one course and passing but unsatisfactory (below C-) work in two others.

c. If a student is on probation:

i.   failure in one course and passing but unsatisfactory work in one other, or

ii.   unsatisfactory work in three or more courses

d. If a student is on strict probation:

i.    failure in one or more courses,

ii.   unsatisfactory work in two or more courses,

iii. one or more unapproved incompletes, or

iv. failure to earn removal from strict probation, even if there is a period of good standing.

Students who are required to resign may not be on campus or in University housing, nor may they participate in student activities or the life of the University community while on this status . Students who are required to resign may be readmitted by the dean of the college after an absence of at least two semesters. The process of application for readmission requires a demonstration of academic preparedness and fulfillment of all the specified requirements for return. Students readmitted after being required to resign will be placed on strict probation.


5.       Separation —The category of discipline used when the student’s academic deficiencies are so serious as to warrant the student’s departure from the University without eligibility for readmission. The notation “separated” will be entered on the student’s official transcript. Separation is imposed if a student’s academic performance warrants required resignation for a second time.


6.       Appeals —Students who are required to resign or separated from the University and who have new information about the factors that they believe affected his or her performance may appeal their status to a sub-committee of the Educational Policy Committee.   A student who wishes to appeal must notify their class dean two days prior to the scheduled date on which appeals will be reviewed.   Information about the appeals procedures will be provided by the student's class dean.   Appeals are reviewed by members of the sub-committee of the Educational Policy Committee with attendance by the class deans and the dean of the college.   A student may elect to attend his or her review or participate via telephone.   The committee’s decisions are final.

Advanced Placement Credit

A student who has completed in secondary school an Advanced Placement course or its equivalent and has achieved a score of 4 or 5 in the corresponding Advanced Placement examination will be granted one or two credits toward the Wesleyan degree of Bachelor of Arts.  

In each case, the precise number of credits will be determined at the discretion of the relevant department. The department may stipulate the award of Advanced Placement credit upon the successful completion of any course or courses at any level in any department of the University. Should a department decline to designate a Wesleyan course for this purpose, the number of credits granted for the Advanced Placement course alone will be determined by that department.

Students may use Advanced Placement credit for the purpose of acceleration. However, students are not permitted to use the credit to reduce the course load, to clear up failures or unsatisfactory work, or to count toward fulfillment of the General Education Expectations. Additional information about Advanced Placement credit may be obtained from the Dean’s Office or from the relevant department.

International Baccalaureate Credit

A student who has completed the International Baccalaureate (I.B.) course of study and has received a score of 5 to 7 on the corresponding I.B. examinations may be granted between one or two credits for the higher-level examination and .70 credits for the subsidiary-level examination toward the Wesleyan degree of Bachelor of Arts. In each case, the awarding of credits will be determined at the discretion of the relevant department. The department may stipulate the award of I.B. credit upon successful completion of course(s) at a specific level in the appropriate department of the University.

Students may use I.B. credits for the purpose of acceleration but not to reduce a semester’s course load or to substitute for failures or unsatisfactory work. I.B. credit and Advanced Placement credit may not be given for the same course work.

Additional information about International Baccalaureate credit may be obtained from the Dean’s Office or from the relevant departments.


A student may complete work for the bachelor’s degree in fewer than the normal eight semesters. Requests for acceleration should be made in writing to the student’s class dean. This may be accomplished by (1) applying approved transfer credits, Advanced Placement credits, A-level credits or International Baccalaureate credits toward satisfaction of degree requirements; (2) completing approved summer courses at Wesleyan or another institution; (3) completing independent study or education-in-the-field projects during a summer or an authorized leave of absence; or (4) completing additional Wesleyan courses (those beyond the normal number of credits) during the academic year.

Acceleration accomplished by completing additional Wesleyan courses during the academic year will be governed by the following guidelines:


1.     If a student completes course requirements for graduation in fewer than eight semesters by virtue of acceleration in academic-year courses at Wesleyan, additional payment will be required for the acceleration prior to the awarding of the degree. Course credits earned through transfer credits, Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate credits, summer study, independent study, or education-in-the-field completed during a summer or on a leave, and other approved non-Wesleyan programs are excluded from the fee requirement.


2.    The standard tuition rate will entitle students to register for the recommended number of course credits to meet graduation requirements in eight semesters, four course credits in each of six semesters and five course credits in each of two semesters for a total of 34 course credits.


3.    A student will be considered to be accelerating if the student registers for more Wesleyan course credits than prescribed above, in which case the student, prior to graduation, will pay one-fifth of the semester tuition prevailing at the time of graduation for each course credit above the normal load.


4.     If a student pays eight semesters of tuition at Wesleyan, no additional charge will be made for courses taken above the normal course load.

Special Students

The registrar may admit students to the undergraduate program as special, nonmatriculated students. Individuals eligible include spouses of members of the faculty or administration, employees of the University, or persons living in the Middletown area. These special students may elect any number of courses with the instructors’ approval and pay a tuition charge per credit up to full tuition, unless they are eligible for one of the two remission plans available to members of the Wesleyan community.   Consult the Office of Human Resources for eligibility requirements.

Special students may not enroll in a course if their enrollment would displace a regular degree candidate. No financial aid is available to special students.

Special students wishing to apply for admission to degree candidacy may do so through the Admission Office. Their applications will be reviewed with the same rigorous standards as those of other candidates for admission. Special students admitted to degree candidacy will be expected to satisfy normal degree requirements, including four semesters of full-time residency (at least three credits per semester) at Wesleyan or in Wesleyan-sponsored programs and the satisfactory completion of a minimum of 16 Wesleyan course credits.

Transfer Students

Students who transfer to Wesleyan after spending an initial period at another academic institution are expected to meet all of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts.

It is expected that transfer students will keep pace with the class to which they are officially assigned by the Office of the Dean; that is, the number of Wesleyan semesters available to transfer students to earn the Wesleyan degree will be determined by their class standing on entry. In certain exceptional cases, students may be allowed an additional semester(s) to complete requirements for the bachelor’s degree upon petition to the dean of the college. Please see Degree Requirements for residency requirement.

Transfer students entering Wesleyan in the fall of their sophomore year are expected to declare a major by the first week of March of their sophomore year. Students entering in the spring should declare a major prior to the course pre-registration for the subsequent semester. Transfer students who enter in their junior year must apply for acceptance into a major program as soon as possible, but no later than the end of their first semester at Wesleyan.

Credits approved for transfer from other institutions may be considered by the student’s major department for inclusion in the major. Transfer students are encouraged to comply with Wesleyan’s General Education Expectations. Transfer credits earned prior to matriculation at Wesleyan may be evaluated for general education equivalency. Please note that grades in courses must be a C- or better to be eligible for transfer of credit. No more than two credits may be transferred from one summer.

High School Scholars

Wesleyan permits outstanding juniors and seniors from selected area high schools to take one course per semester at Wesleyan. Application is made through the guidance counselor at each high school. The completed application should be submitted to the Office of Admission.


The following special study opportunities give students the chance to study off campus.   Note that under the graduation requirements for students who entered Wesleyan before the fall of 2000, with the exception of the Wesleyan-administered study abroad programs (listed below) and the Twelve College Exchange program, these study opportunities do not count toward the four-semester residency requirement needed for graduation.

International Study

Students may earn Wesleyan credits by enrolling for nonresident study in either of the following types of programs abroad:

     •   Wesleyan-administered programs, or

     •   Wesleyan-approved programs.

Students should be aware that the only way in which courses taken abroad during the academic year can be credited towards a Wesleyan undergraduate degree is by prior approval from the Office of International Studies.

Programs run by Wesleyan, alone or in consortium, are:

France: Vassar-Wesleyan Program in France (Bordeaux and Paris)

Germany: Wesleyan University Program in Regensburg

Israel: Wesleyan University and Trinity College Program in Israel (Jerusalem) (suspended for 2001, 2002 and 2003)

Italy: Vassar-Wellesley-Wesleyan Program in Italy (Siena and Bologna)

Mexico: Wesleyan University Spanish Immersion Program in Puebla

Spain: Vassar-Wesleyan-Colgate Program in Spain (Santiago and Madrid)

Study on these programs counts towards the residency requirement for students who began their study at Wesleyan prior to Fall 2000.   Courses taken on these programs may fulfill General Education Expectations.

1.    Wesleyan-approved programs abroad

     The Committee on International Studies has approved for Wesleyan credit programs located in a wide range of countries in Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe, the Middle East and Latin America. The list is reviewed and updated yearly. Students may obtain a copy of the list from the International Studies Office (105 Fisk Hall).

2.    Programs abroad approved by petition

     In exceptional cases, the Committee on International Studies may grant ad hoc approval for a program not included on the official list of Wesleyan-approved programs. Students must submit a petition, accompanied by a recommendation from a member of the Wesleyan faculty. Students should understand that the burden of justifying their choice is theirs. Approval for such programs is granted on a one-time basis and exclusively for the applicant. Regulations governing Wesleyan-approved programs (credits, fees, financial aid) apply to any program approved in this way.

3.    Regulations and guidelines

          Copies of the Guidelines and Financial Procedures are available in the International Studies Office. http://www.wesleyan.edu/ois .


All programs :   Credit toward graduation is granted automatically for pre-approved course work completed on a Wesleyan or Wesleyan-approved program. Four credits are allowed for each of two semesters. Permission for a fifth credit for any given semester may be granted by the program director, in the case of Wesleyan programs, and by the Director of International Studies for Wesleyan-approved programs. Grades earned will be reported on the Wesleyan transcript. This is the only way in which credit is given for courses taken abroad, except for courses taken during the summer, which are processed as transfer credit.

Credit toward completion of a major is not granted automatically for courses taken abroad. Students must consult with a faculty or major advisor when applying for study-abroad and must have credit toward the major pre-approved before departure. Major credit is not granted retroactively, and students who need to change course selections on arrival abroad must seek approval at the time of registration through the Office of International Studies. It is the responsibility of the student to check with the class dean concerning progress towards graduation and the possibility of over-subscription. General Education credit may be granted for courses taken on approved programs abroad only if requested through the Office of International Studies and approved by the academic deans before departure.

Students placed on strict probation at the end of the semester are not eligible to study abroad the following semester, and students on medical leave will not normally be eligible to do so, although exceptions may be made. Any grades of incomplete, X or AB must be resolved two weeks prior to the student’s departure date, and students with such grades on their transcript should consult with their class dean about the resolution process.

All University academic regulations apply to students studying for Wesleyan credit abroad, and withdrawal from a study abroad program will be treated in the same way as withdrawal from the University. Wesleyan may withdraw a student from a program abroad or place a student on medical leave, should it be deemed advisable to do so.


Fees:   Students are considered to be enrolled at Wesleyan while abroad.   They are therefore charged Wesleyan tuition and are eligible for financial aid.   Application for financial assistance should be made to the Financial Aid Office.   Tuition charges cover the academic and administrative portions of the program expense.   Additional expenses such as room and board, transportation, and cultural activities may either be billed through Wesleyan or directly by the program.   This financial arrangement applies to all study abroad for credit during the academic year.


Wesleyan programs:   Program fees are set by the programs’ administering committees in consultation with the Office of Academic Affairs. The committees also establish the criteria for admission and process all applications, with assistance from the Office of International Studies. For information and application forms, students should contact the Office of International Studies.


Wesleyan-approved programs:   Besides applying directly to the sponsoring institution, students must fill out and submit to the Director of International Studies a Wesleyan application form. The form is available at the International Studies Office or on line, and all applications are subject to approval by the Committee on International Studies.

Summer Study Abroad:   Study abroad during the summer is handled in the same way as summer study at U.S. institutions: see “Summer Study, At Other Accredited Institutions.”

Summer Study

Wesleyan University does not offer an undergraduate summer program.   Students may, however, earn a maximum of two credits during the summer and post them to their Wesleyan University transcript.   These two credits can be earned through the Wesleyan University Graduate Liberal Studies Program, another accredited institution, or education-in-the-field and independent study credit.

At Wesleyan: Graduate Liberal Studies Program (GLSP)

Wesleyan undergraduates, normally with junior standing, may attend the Graduate Liberal Studies Program. Attendance does not, however, constitute residency for the purpose of satisfying the graduation requirement of four semesters of full-time residency. Wesleyan undergraduates attending GLSP are subject to its academic rules and regulations. All grades and course work attempted by Wesleyan undergraduates in GLSP will be recorded on the student’s undergraduate record and transcript.   A Wesleyan undergraduate must have GLSP courses approved by their class dean, faculty advisor and the GLSP director.

For further information, contact the Graduate Liberal Studies Program, 284 High Street.

At Other Accredited Institutions

A student may obtain credit toward the Wesleyan degree for courses taken in the summer session of another accredited institution if (1) the courses have been approved in advance by the relevant Wesleyan department, and (2) the grades in the courses are B- or better.   Grades earned at another institution will not be reflected in the Wesleyan academic record; only credits may be transferred. Forms for permission to transfer credit are available at the Dean’s Office.

Transfer of Credit from Other Institutions

A student may obtain credit toward the Wesleyan degree for courses taken during the academic year (other than summer session) at another accredited institution if (1) the courses have been approved in advance by the relevant Wesleyan department, and (2) the grades in the courses are C- or better. Grades earned at another institution will not be reflected in the Wesleyan academic record; only credits may be transferred. Forms for permission to transfer credit are available at the Dean’s Office. The final amount of credit transferred to the Wesleyan transcript will be determined in accordance with Wesleyan’s policy on transfer credit and the evaluation of the appropriate department. (As a guideline, it should be noted that one Wesleyan unit is equivalent to 3.50 semester hours or 5.50 quarter hours.) Departments may impose other conditions for the transfer of credit, such as a higher minimum grade, review of coursework, passing of departmentally administered exam, etc. No transfer credit for study abroad will be accepted unless earned during the summer.

A student who wishes to receive Wesleyan credit for work done at an unaccredited institution must secure the sponsorship of a Wesleyan faculty member, the approval of the chair of the corresponding Wesleyan department, and the approval of the dean of the college prior to undertaking the work. To apply for credit, a student should write a statement that describes the work to be done and indicates the amount of academic credit sought. The statement should be endorsed by the faculty sponsor and the department chair and submitted to the dean of the college. The faculty sponsor will be responsible for evaluating the completed work and reporting the amount of credit earned to the dean of the college.   See “Fees,” below.

Independent Study

Summer Study and Authorized Leave of Absence —A student may obtain academic credit for certain forms of independent study during a summer or an authorized leave of absence. Activities such as independent reading, special work under supervision, and educational tours may earn credit provided that (1) these plans have been approved in advance by the relevant Wesleyan department and the dean of the college, and (2) all requirements specified by the approving department in the form of an examination, paper, or equivalent assignment have been satisfied. Please note that senior theses or senior projects may be undertaken only as senior thesis tutorials or projects and not as independent study.   No more than two credits may be earned in a semester or summer for such special work.   See “Fees,” below. Forms for independent study are available in the Dean’s Office.

Education in the Field Approved education-in-the-field programs are listed under the sponsoring departments or colleges.   They may be taken during the summer, during an authorized leave of absence or during an academic term.   At the discretion of the department involved, up to two course credits per semester may be granted for education in the field.   Students must consult with the department in advance of undertaking education-in-the-field for approval of the nature of the responsibilities and method of evaluation. Credit and a grade for education-in-the-field will be posted to the student’s transcript once a grade report has been submitted by the faculty sponsor.  

Students pursuing an education-in-the-field during the summer or while on an authorized leave of absence during the academic year are not eligible for financial aid and will be charged a special tuition rate (see below).   Students enrolled full-time may also pursue an education-in-the-field in conjunction with regular courses (for a combined total of at least three credits) and will be charged the full tuition rate.   In no case will financial aid to a student in this category exceed the amount of aid the student would have received as a regular full-time student at the University.

Education-in-the-field programs are under the general supervision of the Educational Policy Committee. Information concerning specific procedures for the supervision and evaluation of education-in-the-field programs may be obtained from the sponsoring department or college. Forms for education in the field are available at the Dean’s Office.

No more than four credits earned through independent study and education-in-the-field combined can be counted toward the graduation requirements.

Fees for Independent Study, and Education in the Field and Credit from Unaccredited Institutions —Students engaged in independent study or enrolled only in education-in-the-field or taking a course at an unaccredited institution will pay a per-credit tuition charge equal to one-tenth of the prevailing tuition rate for the semester.

Twelve-College Exchange Program

The Twelve-College Exchange Program is a cooperative program for residential student exchange between Wesleyan and the following colleges: Amherst, Bowdoin, Connecticut, Dartmouth, Mount Holyoke, Smith, Trinity, Vassar, Wellesley, Wheaton, and Williams.   Students should note that Dartmouth and Williams will not accept students in 2002-03.   Two special programs associated with the Twelve-College Exchange Program are the Williams-Mystic Seaport Program in American Maritime Studies in Mystic, Connecticut, sponsored by Williams College, and the National Theater Institute, in Waterford, Connecticut, sponsored by Connecticut College. Wesleyan sophomores, juniors, and seniors in good standing are eligible to apply to any of the participating institutions for either one semester or the full year. Participation in the Twelve-College Exchange Program by Wesleyan students counts toward Wesleyan’s residency requirement, but courses are coded for general education equivalency. Catalogs of participating colleges and information about the programs are available in the Office of International Studies.

Tuition and fees are paid to the host colleges; no fees are paid to Wesleyan. Financial-aid students may apply their Wesleyan assistance, with the exception of work/study benefits, toward expenses at the host college. It is the student’s responsibility to complete any loan negotiations before leaving the Wesleyan campus. A Wesleyan student who participates in the exchange program is expected to abide by the rules and regulations of the host institution.

Students who wish to participate in the Twelve-College Exchange Program must apply through the Office of International Studies. Students may apply to only one college at a time. The deadline for submission of completed applications is February 1 for either or both semesters of the subsequent academic year.   However, applications will be considered as long as space is available at the desired institution.   Completed and approved applications are sent by Wesleyan to the respective colleges.   If rejected by the college of their first choice, a student may apply to a second college.

Other Nonresident Programs

A small number of programs considered by the faculty to be of importance in supplementing the Wesleyan curriculum for students with certain academic interests are treated as “nonresident study” programs. Participants continue to be Wesleyan students, pay regular tuition to the University, and are not placed on leave of absence. Information about these programs can be obtained from the office of International Studies, 105 Fisk Hall. Students planning to participate in these programs should check with their faculty advisor and class dean concerning their progress towards completion of the major and graduation.

Study on Semester in Environmental Science and the Historically Black Colleges and Universities programs do not count towards the residency requirement for students who began their study at Wesleyan prior to the fall of 2000.

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Visiting Student Program Students wishing to pursue study at one of the HBCU’s for a semester or the academic year may do so through the Office of the Dean of the College.   Students should apply directly to the desired school and get their course selections approved in advance by their faculty advisor and the chair of the relevant departments.   Students are expected to pay regular tuition to the University.   Application for financial aid should be made to the Financial Aid Office.

Semester in Environmental Science (SES) at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole —The purpose of this program is to instruct students in the basic methods and principles of ecosystems science in a manner that enhances and supplements existing curricula in natural and environmental sciences at the colleges participating in the SES consortium. The program is interdisciplinary and offers a core curriculum, stressing team research and team study. See the chair of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences for information about the curriculum and application process.

The Urban Education Semester —This is a fully accredited, academic immersion program combining an interdisciplinary examination of inner-city public education with supervised, practical teaching experience in selected New York City public school classrooms. Each semester, students enroll in graduate courses at the Bank Street College of Education and work three days per week under the guidance of distinguished teachers. The Urban Education Semester introduces students to the theory and practice of urban education. This program is offered through the Venture Consortium. Interested students should contact the Career Resource Center.

Wesleyan-Trinity-Connecticut College Consortium —By special arrangement with Connecticut College and Trinity College, Wesleyan students may enroll, without additional cost, in courses given at these institutions. Normally, students will be permitted to take only courses not offered at Wesleyan. Enrollment is limited to one course per semester. Arrangements for enrollment may be made through the Office of the Registrar.

Combined 3-2 programs in science and engineering —For students considering a career in engineering, the physics major is a good route into the 3-2 programs with California Institute of Technology and Columbia. Consult the Physics Department for details on planning an appropriate program of study to be eligible to participate in the 3-2 program and for the conditions attached to participation.


AFROTC —Qualified Wesleyan students may participate in the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) program at Detachment 115 at the University of Connecticut according to the Crosstown Enrollment Agreement. Students will not receive credit toward the Wesleyan degree for courses taken through any of these programs. Wesleyan will not assume responsibility for any part of the program that students choose to participate in through the AFROTC program at the University of Connecticut. It is not essential that students notify Wesleyan of their participation in this program. Students with questions about scholarship payments should contact Wesleyan’s Office of Student Accounts. For more information about this program, contact the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps Office at the University of Connecticut, (860) 486-2224.

Teaching Apprentice Program

The Teaching Apprentice Program offers undergraduate students the opportunity to participate with a faculty member (who serves as master teacher) in the teaching of one of the faculty member’s courses. The apprentice is enrolled in an apprenticeship tutorial conducted by the master teacher. The tutorials focus in varying degrees on the subject matter of the course and on the teaching activity itself. Apprentices are awarded one course credit for successful completion of the semester tutorial.

The Teaching Apprentice Program has two main objectives:

1. To provide an opportunity for advanced students to deepen their understanding of a subject while gaining insight into the teaching process; and

2. To improve the learning environment in courses designed primarily for first and second-year students by adding a student teacher who can bridge the “intellectual gap” between instructors and beginning students. The apprentice is viewed as a member of a teaching team rather than as a teaching assistant. While the interaction between the apprentice and the master teacher can take many forms, faculty are urged to design the role of the apprentice so as to stimulate greater participation in the learning activity by students in the course. Normally, the apprentice and master teacher have, in some prior activity, established the sort of intellectual rapport that will promote an effective team relationship.

Apprentice proposals should be developed by the master teacher with input, when possible, from the prospective apprentice. Applications should describe the teaching role to be played by the apprentice, the academic course work to be done in the apprenticeship tutorial, and the basis on which the apprentice will be evaluated. Applications must also meet the guidelines for apprenticeships established by the department or program and approved by the Educational Policy Committee. Faculty members must submit applications to the Office of Academic Affairs in October to apply for a spring-semester apprentice and in April to apply for a fall-semester apprentice. The following policies apply to teaching apprentices and teaching apprenticeships:

•    If a student serves as an apprentice in the same course more than once, the student may receive no more than a total of one credit for teaching in that course.

•    Teaching apprentices may not teach in group tutorials or student-forum courses.

•   A student may not count more than two course credits earned in apprenticeship tutorials toward degree requirements.

Course Assistants

While the Teaching Apprentice Program stresses the learning achieved by the student through the tutorial with the master teacher and through the student’s teaching responsibilities, the Course Assistant Program stresses services rendered. Course assistants receive a stipend, but no credit. Faculty who would like to employ a student to assist with logistical and administrative aspects of a course (e.g., preparation of course materials, administrative assistance, grading of objective tests) rather than assistance in instruction may request support for a course assistant.

Funding for course assistant stipends is limited. The application process is competitive, and only those applications received before the deadlines and fitting the criteria for each program will be considered.


Individual tutorials, numbered 401-402 and 421-422, are available only to sophomores, juniors, and seniors. A tutorial may not be given when a comparable course is available in the same academic year. Students may not count more than four course credits of individual tutorials toward degree requirements. The chair of the department or program in which the tutorial is given must approve tutorial forms.

Tutorial applications should include a concise description of the work to be done, including the number of hours to be devoted to the tutorial, the number of meetings with the tutor, a reading list, and a description of the work on which the student’s performance will be evaluated. Application forms are available at the Registrar’s Office.

Tutorials for one credit normally should be added during the drop/add period. Partial-credit tutorials or full-credit tutorials beginning after the drop/add period must be added to a student’s schedule within five days of the start of the academic exercise. The minimum credit amount for any tutorial is 0.25 credit.

Student Forums

Student-run group tutorials, numbered 419 or 420, must be sponsored by a faculty member and approved by the chair of a department or program. Proposals for a student forum must be submitted by the department or program chair to the Office of Academic Affairs by the end of exams prior to the semester in which the course will be offered.    Application forms and instructions are available at the Registrar’s Office. A student may not count more than two student forum course credits toward degree requirements.


The University offers work leading to the M.A. degree in astronomy, chemistry, computer science, earth and environmental sciences, mathematics, music, physics, and psychology and to the Ph.D. in biology, chemistry, ethnomusicology, mathematics, molecular biology and biochemistry, and physics. Theses and dissertations are required for these degrees. The chemistry and physics departments jointly offer an interdepartmental program leading to the Ph.D. degree. The departments of molecular biology and biochemistry and chemistry offer an interdepartmental program in molecular biophysics leading to the Ph.D.   The Graduate Liberal Studies Program offers a program leading to the degree of Master of Arts in liberal studies (M.A.L.S.) or the certificate of advanced study (C.A.S.)

All graduate instruction is scheduled within an academic year consisting of two academic semesters from September to June.   Summer work consisting of independent study or research is encouraged. No evening courses or summer school courses other than those in the Graduate Liberal Studies Program are available.

Combined Plans of Study

Concurrent B.A. and M.A. Program —The Anthropology Department offers a five-year program leading to concurrent B.A. and M.A. degrees. Application for the program must be made to the department prior to the end of the junior year.

Candidates for the bachelor’s degree who satisfy the Wesleyan requirements for honors in general scholarship may, in their senior year, be admitted to candidacy for the master’s degree, provided that they have earned at least 32 credits toward the bachelor’s degree by the start of the senior year and are not otherwise deficient in satisfying the requirements for the undergraduate degree. The work of these candidates is under the direction of the Graduate Council. Successful candidates may receive the B.A. and M.A. degrees concurrently.

Five-Year B.A./M.A. Program The science programs at Wesleyan offer a variety of excellent research opportunities to undergraduates as well as to graduate students. In fact, the opportunity for undergraduates to carry on significant research is one of the strongest features of science here. Many undergraduates conduct research in their major department in close collaboration with a faculty member, and those who do often report that this has been the most valuable part of their education. However, in recent years, as the opportunities to do high-quality research have multiplied, some students have felt the need for a more intensive involvement in research than is possible in the traditional four-year undergraduate setting. In consultation with their major department, such students have constructed programs through which they have been able to obtain the MA degree after a fifth year of study following their BA. This additional year has provided them with the opportunity to devote a great deal of time to completing the research projects they began as undergraduates.

Wesleyan recently introduced the five-year BA/MA as a formal curricular option for those students who feel the need for the intensive research experience that a fifth year of study can afford. The program has a strong research orientation. However, it also includes coursework, seminars, and, in some cases, teaching. Although it is anticipated that most individuals who enroll in this program will go on for further graduate study, the program provides a strong professional background for either further advanced study or employment in industry. Completion of both BA and MA requirements in five years requires careful planning of one's schedule of courses and research for the last two years of the program. A student hoping to enter this program is expected to declare the intention to do so by the junior year in his/her academic career to permit the design of an acceptable program for the last two years with both the major department and a research advisor within that department.

The MA requires a minimum of eight credits in addition to the 32 necessary for the Wesleyan BA. Of these eight credits, two to four must be in advanced coursework; the remaining credits may be earned through research, seminars, and research practica. MA credit will only be awarded for academic exercises in which grades of B- or higher have been earned. Financial support other than tuition remission in the fifth year is not a normal component of this program. However, some students in the fifth year of the program may be able to find support from research grant funds.

For further information on the BA/MA program, MA and PhD programs, contact the Office of Graduate Student Services, 130-132 Science Tower.


The University expects all students to fulfill faithfully and effectively their responsibilities as members of this community. A student may be suspended or be required to withdraw from the University or from any course at any time when, in the judgment of the dean of the college or the faculty, respectively, the student fails to meet this obligation satisfactorily.


Students must comply with the regulations for matriculation with the University as announced by the registrar. A student who does not enroll in the University by the announced deadline will be considered administratively withdrawn from the University.

Medical Report —Every student entering the University for the first time must submit health information as requested by the director of the University Health Services.

Payment of Bills —The University customarily sends bills to students. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that University bills are paid when they fall due. Failure to do so forfeits the privilege of enrollment or of further attendance in classes or examinations unless an excuse is obtained from the dean of the college.

No student may receive a diploma or transcript or have a transcript forwarded until all obligations to the University have been met, including payment of outstanding bills.

Arrangements for later payments (granted only under exceptional circumstances) should be made directly with the Office of Student Accounts.

Selection of Courses

Detailed information concerning course offerings is given in WesMaps, Wesleyan’s On-line Curriculum Home Page and the Course Supplement, a condensed listing of all course offerings for each semester. These publications should be consulted for information concerning time and place of class meetings, additions or changes, and cancellations.

Regulations Governing the Scheduling of Classes

Classes will meet each week for three class periods of 50 minutes each, for two class periods of 80 minutes each, or for one class period (during afternoons only) that corresponds as closely as possible to the standard time periods described below.

Classes that meet three times weekly may meet only on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Classes that meet twice weekly may meet within regulated times on Tuesday and Thursday or Monday and Wednesday afternoons, or on any two mornings combining Monday, Wednesday, or Friday (MW, MF, or WF) from 8:30 a.m. to 9:50 a.m. Courses that meet once weekly may meet in the afternoon on any day.   Classes and laboratory sessions should be scheduled between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and in the evenings after 7:00 p.m.

Morning classes are scheduled in 50-minute periods on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday beginning at 8:00 a.m., in 80-minute periods on Tuesday and Thursday beginning at 8:30 a.m., and on any two of Monday, Wednesday, or Friday (MW, MF, or WF) from 8:30 a.m. to 9:50 a.m.   Beginning in spring 2001, morning classes meeting on Tuesday and Thursday will be scheduled at 9:00am and 10:30am.

Afternoon classes on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday are scheduled for three periods of 50 minutes each. Afternoon classes on Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday are also scheduled for two periods of 80 minutes each. All afternoon classes should begin at 1:10 p.m. or 2:40 p.m. Eight a.m. classes and noon classes (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday only) are 50 minutes each. Exceptions to these rules require approval by the Educational Policy Committee. Ordinarily, classes should not overlap more than one standard period between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Saturday classes may be scheduled as desired by departments.

Changes in and Withdrawal from Courses

Students may not add courses (including tutorials) to their schedules after the eighth class day of the semester. Exceptions will be made for courses that start after the beginning of the semester, provided that the required drop/add or tutorial forms are submitted to the Registrar’s Office within five class days after the start of the course.

A student may withdraw, by choice and without penalty, from a course through the end of the tenth week of the semester. Partial-credit physical education courses must be withdrawn from by the end of the corresponding quarter. In the case of second- and fourth-quarter physical education courses, withdrawal must come through by the end the tenth week of the semester. Students who drop a course on or before the eighth class day of the semester will have the course deleted from their record. Students who withdraw from a course after the eighth class day of the semester will receive a grade of “W.” The student must present notice of withdrawal, signed by the instructor, the faculty advisor, and a class dean, to the registrar by the end of the tenth week of the semester.

An instructor may require a student to withdraw from a course if the student fails to meet the announced conditions of enrollment.

Students are responsible for withdrawing officially even if the instructor has determined that they may not continue in the course. They must submit a completed drop/add form to the Registrar’s Office.


Subject to any conditions set by the instructor, a registered Wesleyan student may be permitted to audit a course without charge. At the end of the semester, the instructor may add to the Grade Roster the name of any student who has attended with sufficient regularity to have the course listed in the academic record as audited, without credit.

Permission to audit does not include permission to have tests, examinations, or papers read or graded. Wesleyan alumni and alumnae and members of the community who are not registered students are permitted to audit undergraduate courses, subject to the following conditions:


1.   that the presence of an auditor not compromise access of undergraduates to the course;

2.   that the auditor receive permission of the instructor;

3.   that the terms of the auditor’s participation in the work of the course be mutually agreed upon in advance with the instructor; and

4.   that no academic credit be awarded to an auditor and no transcript issued.

Class Attendance

A student is expected to attend class meetings regularly. Since the faculty intends that class attendance shall be primarily the student’s responsibility, no precise limitation of absences has been prescribed for all students. It is understood, however, that absence from class is regarded as the exception, not the rule.   An instructor should notify the class dean of any student who is absent from class for one week or three consecutive classes, whichever comes first. Students on strict probation must attend all classes in which they are enrolled.

Instructors are entitled to establish definite and precise rules governing attendance. Any student who is repeatedly absent without excuse from scheduled academic exercises at which attendance is mandatory may be required to withdraw from the course.

Completion of Work in Courses/Incompletes

All the work of a course (semester-long projects and papers) must be completed and submitted to the instructor by the last day of classes.  The only exceptions to this are semester examinations, take-home final exams or final papers, which may not be scheduled or be due any sooner than the first day of the examination period, and preferably at the time designated for the course’s registrar’s scheduled examination time.  A student who is unable to meet these deadlines, for the reasons listed below, may request the permission of the instructor to meet the requirement no later than the first day of classes of the subsequent semester. If the instructor grants the extension then a grade of Incomplete (IN) must be submitted to the Registrar at the time grades are due.  Please note: A student whose credit total is deficient will be subject to an earlier deadline, two to three weeks prior to the first day of classes of the subsequent semester, by which time outstanding course requirements must be met and submitted to the instructor.

Approved grades of incomplete must be accompanied by a provisional grade that will become the final grade if the outstanding work in the course is not submitted by the first day of classes of the subsequent semester or earlier deadline, as stated above.

A student may receive up to two incompletes per semester by this method. To receive incompletes in more than two courses, the student must petition his or her class dean. The petition can be granted only on grounds of illness, family crisis, or other extraordinary circumstances. The dean may, on petition, grant a student incompletes for these reasons, whether or not the student has contracted for any incompletes with the instructors.

For the impact of incompletes on students’ records for the purposes of academic review, students should consult their class dean.

Students on strict probation will not be allowed to receive incompletes without the prior approval of their class dean.

Repeating Courses

Except for particular courses (see WesMaps) a course for which a student received a passing grade may not be repeated for credit. If a student repeats a course in which a failing grade was received, the failing grade will remain on the transcript and be calculated in the grade-point average even after the course is repeated.

Reading Week

This period is designated for students to prepare for examinations and complete assignments due at the end of the semester.   To protect the integrity of that week, the faculty have established the following regulations.

  • Final exams, comprehensive examinations covering materials from the course of the entire semester, are to be given only during the formal exam period established by the faculty.
  • Classes can be held only during the class period established by the faculty; make-up classes should be held during that established class period.
  • Take-home final exams and final papers must be due no sooner than the first day of the exam period, and preferably at the time designated for the course’s registrar-scheduled examination.
  • Semester-long projects and papers may be due the last day of classes.
  • Student organizations should not schedule retreats, programs, or meetings that require other students’ attendance during Reading Week.
  • Departmental, Program, and College activities that require students’ participation should not be held during Reading Week, with the exception of oral and written examinations covered by alternative exam calendars.
  • Sessions or information programs that require students’ attendance should not be held during Reading Week.


Scheduled Final Examinations —The schedule of final examinations will be issued in advance. The time of any examination may be changed by unanimous request of the class and with the approval of the instructor; but it must be set within the period designated by the faculty for examinations, and the change must be reported promptly to the registrar. The faculty has voted to comply with the following guidelines:

1. That “hour exams” be limited to 50 minutes so that students who are scheduled to leave for other classes may not be placed at a disadvantage.

2. That final examinations be limited to three hours unless otherwise announced before the examination.

Make-up Examinations for Suspended Students —Students who have been suspended from the privileges of the campus for a limited period are held responsible ultimately for all of the work in their courses. Giving make-up examinations to a suspended student upon the student’s return is entirely at the discretion of the instructor. The instructor may waive any examinations or quizzes given to the class during the period of the suspension and may base the student’s grade on the rest of the record; or the instructor may require the student to take make-up examinations or submit additional work.

If a student is absent from the final examination with the permission of the instructor, a grade of absent will be assigned. A grade of absent will be accompanied by a provisional grade that will become the final grade if the final examination is not made up by the end of the first full week of classes of the subsequent semester. Grades are due in the Registrar’s Office 72 hours after a scheduled final examination.

If a student has three or more final examinations on one day or four in two days, the student may request a rescheduled examination from one instructor.

Leave, Withdrawal, Readmission, and Refund Policy

The following categories indicate the conditions under which a student’s registration at Wesleyan may be interrupted. These designations are recorded on the student’s permanent record.

1.       Leave of Absence —An undergraduate may take an approved leave of absence for a specified period, normally not to exceed two semesters.   Students who interrupt their enrollment at Wesleyan by taking nonacademic leave for more than four consecutive semesters must apply for readmission. Leave-of-absence application forms are available in the Dean’s Office and the Registrar’s Office.

For academic and nonacademic leaves, the deadline for submission of leave-of-absence applications is December 1 for the spring semester and April 1 for the fall semester.   Academic and non-academic leaves will not be granted after the drop/add period at the beginning of each semester.

Notice of intention to return to Wesleyan from academic and nonacademic leaves should be filed with the registrar by the end of the last semester for which the leave was taken, December 1 for fall semester and April 1 for spring semester.   Students who do not return or renew their leave at its termination will be considered to have withdrawn voluntarily. Application for readmission will be considered.

a.  Academic Leave . A student on academic leave must earn a minimum of three course credits per semester (full-time status) at another institution.   Academic leave is limited to one year but may be renewed for an additional year upon request to the class dean and the faculty advisor.   Students may not go on an academic leave to study abroad.   Credits earned while on leave must be processed two weeks prior to the semester in which a student returns for purposes of class-year classification.

b. Nonacademic Leave . Wesleyan permits students to interrupt their college careers for a semester or year of nonacademic experience. Students may receive assistance from the Dean’s Office and from the Career Resource Center in exploring opportunities for the period of the leave. Nonacademic leave is limited to one year but may be extended upon request to the class dean and faculty advisor.   Students will be reclassified to the appropriate class year at the end of the semester in which they file their leave. Students who have obtained prior approval may earn academic credit while on leave and will be reclassified, if appropriate, once these credits are posted to their transcript.

2.    Medical Leave . A medical leave is given to a student on the basis of a recommendation from the director of University Health Services or the director of the Office of Behavioral Health for Students, whose recommendation is also necessary before the student can return.   Leaves, while open-ended, are customarily at least one semester beyond the semester in which the leave was taken.   In exceptional cases, some incompletes may be granted, depending on course content and the date of the leave.   Any semester in which a grade is given is counted as a Wesleyan semester for purposes of graduation.

3.    Withdrawal —The six forms of withdrawal fall into three main categories: voluntary, involuntary for academic reasons, and involuntary for nonacademic reasons.

a.    Withdrew. A student has voluntarily left Wesleyan.

b.    Required Resignation. A student has been asked to leave the University for academic reasons, with the privilege of reapplication after the recommended period of absence.

c.    Separation. A student has been asked to leave the University for the second time for academic reasons and does not have the privilege of reapplication.

d.    Suspension. A student has been asked to leave the University for other than academic reasons for a specified period of up to one year.

e.    Expulsion. A student has been asked to leave the University for other than academic reasons for an indefinite period. Students who are expelled may apply for readmission.

f.     Dismissal. A student has been asked to leave the University for other than academic reasons without the privilege of reapplication.

4.    Readmission —Students who have withdrawn and those who have been required to resign or expelled may apply to the Office of the Dean of the College for readmission. The readmission application requires a $50 fee. Students wishing to enter the University for the fall semester must apply for readmission by June l and for the spring semester by December 1. Candidates are strongly urged to meet all requirements well in advance of deadlines, since housing assignments and financial aid awards cannot be made until readmission is granted. Study-abroad credits earned by students who have withdrawn will not be accepted.

5.    Refunds —The following guidelines govern refunds to students who terminate registration before the end of the semester:

a.    Tuition and Fees. If a student leaves the University prior to the end of the add/drop period, 100 percent of tuition will be refunded. The Student Accounts Office maintains a schedule for the percent of tuition to be refunded that is based on the number of weeks of the semester that have passed.  When a student is receiving financial assistance, a pro-rated reduction in aid will be calculated based upon the revised charges. No refunds will be given for withdrawals from the university after the ninth week of the semester.

b.     Fees. The college body tax and the health services fee are refundable if a student is absent for an entire semester but are not pro-rated for periods of less than one semester.

c.     Housing. Housing refunds will be pro-rated according to the number of days of occupancy. In addition, students who receive contract releases during the academic year may be charged an administrative fee as specified in the housing contract. No housing refunds are granted for the final two weeks of a semester.

d.    Board. Board refunds will be prorated according to the number of weeks in which meals were taken.