Certification for Veterans

  • New Incoming VA Students

    All new students qualifying for VA Benefits should provide the following documents to the School Certifying Official in the Registrar's Office:

    • Certificate of Eligibility (COE)
    • DD-214 Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty
    • If benefits were used at another institution: 22-1995 Change of Program or Place of Training

    Forms are available online at: http://www.va.gov/vaforms/

    As of September 20, 2015, you can now apply for Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) benefits online through eBenefits.  https://www.ebenefits.va.gov/ebenefits/homepage

    Chapter 31 (Vocational Rehabilitation):

    VA Authorization: When the VRC and the Veteran have agreed on a facility that meets Chapter 31 regulations and related instructions and can provide the services needed to accomplish the goals and objectives of the rehabilitation plan, the VRC may authorize the Veteran to begin his/her program of services. For this authorization, the VRC shall create an electronic authorization.

    The authorization is used to:

    • Confirm an individual's election of Chapter 31 benefits, including training.
    • Identify the VR&E point of contact.
    • Notify the training facility that the Veteran is authorized to attend at VA expense.
    • Notify the school certifying official that the training hours may be certified in VA-Once.
    The Student Accounts office will receive an electronically generated email which will provide notification that an authorization for a VR&Es student has been completed.

    Per VA requirements, Wesleyan University is required to send official transcripts to the VR&E counselor each semester.  This is only applicable to students receiving CH. 31 benefits.

    Request to Be Certified:

    For enrollment certification, VA students must complete the Veterans Benefits Request for Enrollment Certification each semester. You will not be certified for a semester until this form is received for that semester.

    Be sure your contact information, including your Wesleyan email address, is up-to-date with the VA. When you are certified or any changes are made to your certification for a given semester, you will be notified via the email(s) on file in the VA Once system.

     For more information about the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs:


  • Bills, Fees, and Pending Payment Compliance

    To receive financial benefits from the VA for an upcoming semester, students must follow all directions stated above regarding submitting all necessary paperwork to the Registrar's office. Once all required paperwork is received for enrollment certification each semester, anticipated enrollment will be entered in the VA Once System.

    While VA payments are pending, students will not be subject to the following:*

    • Prevention from participating in pre-registration or drop/add;
    • Being assessed with late fees;
    • Requirement to seek additional source of funding;
    • Denial of enrollment certification or verification.

    Students are obligated to meet all financial responsibilities to Wesleyan University that are not covered by the VA. Failure to meet non-VA financial obligations may result in the consequences bulleted above.

    *VA Pending Payment Compliance Statement

    In accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679 subsection (e), this school adopts the following additional provisions for any students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post 9/11 G.I. Bill® (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from the VA.  This school will not:

    • Prevent the students enrollment;
    • Assess a late penalty fee to;
    • Require student secure alternative or additional funding;
    • Deny their access to any resources (access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities) available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution.

    However, to qualify for this provision, such students may be required to:

    • Provide Chapter 33 Certificate of Eligibility (or its equivalent) or for Chapter 31, VA VR&E’s contract with the school on VA Form 28-1905 by the first day of class. 
    • Note: Chapter 33 students can register at the VA Regional Office to use E-Benefits to get the equivalent of a Chapter 33 Certificate of Eligibility. Chapter 31 student cannot get a completed VA Form 28-1905 (or any equivalent) before the VA VR&E case-manager issues it to the school.
    • Provide written request to be certified;
    • Provide additional information needed to properly certify the enrollment as described in other institutional policies
  • School Certifying Officials

    Wesleyan's School Certifying Officials

    Please note that Wesleyan's SCOs are not VA employees and cannot answer questions regarding eligibility of benefits. Students should address their questions to their VA Case Manager, their Faculty Mentor or Wesleyan's Posse Veteran Liaison --- Dean Michael Whaley

    The Veteran's Administration determines an applicant's eligibility for education assistance.  To discuss education benefits available to you, please speak with a Veteran's Administration (VA) Education Benefits Counselor at 888-GI BILL ® (888-442-4551) or visit http://www.gibill.va.gov for information and forms.

    *For enrollment certification, VA students must complete this form each semester. You will not be certified for a semester until this form is received for that semester.

  • Steps to Veteran Certification for Undergraduates

    For VA enrollment certifications, all students must complete the Veterans Benefits Request for Enrollment Certification form each semester they require certification. You will not be certified for a semester until this form is received for that semester. New undergraduate students must also submit their VA Certificate of Eligibility (COE) to the Registrar's Office.

    Email: registrar@wesleyan.edu
    Mail: 237 High Street, Middletown, CT 06459
    Fax: Attn: VA School Certifying Official/860-685-2601

    Students cannot be certified beyond their sophomore year without a declared major.

    Be sure your contact information, including your Wesleyan email address, is up-to-date with the VA. When you are certified or any changes are made to your certification for a given semester, you will be notified via the email(s) on file in the VA Once system.

     For more information about the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs:


  • Student Responsibility -- Enrollment Certification

    Please note that it is your responsibility to inform the Registrar's Office immediately if any of the following occur:

    • A change in enrollment status (if you withdraw from the university or drop below the semester hours reported to the VA) after the drop/add period, which could affect your tuition, housing, and book stipend benefits.
    • A change in major (Chapter 31 should notify the Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor).
    • You will be on a Leave of Absence from the university. Please contact your class dean.
    • You receive an incomplete grade (See VA Policy).
    • Students must declare a major by end of their sophomore year.

    For enrollment certification, VA students must complete the Veterans Benefits Request for Enrollment Certification each semester. You will not be certified for a semester until this form is received for that semester.

    Be sure your contact information, including your Wesleyan email address, is up-to-date with the VA. When you are certified or any changes are made to your certification for a given semester, you will be notified via the email(s) on file in the VA Once system.


    For more information about the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs:

  • Incomplete Grades
    Wesleyan allows the assignment of an incomplete provisional grade. Students are required to complete the outstanding work based on the guidelines described in the University's Academic Regulations (see the section titled "Incompletes/Completion of Work in Courses.") If a students fails to complete the outstanding work by the deadline, the provisional grade will be converted to a final grade. Incomplete grades converted to a failing grade will be reported to the VA.
  • Full Time Status --- Fall/Spring Semesters

    Students are required to be enrolled full time at Wesleyan which equates to a minimum of 3 credits (12 semester hours). Students who fall below this minimum will be reported to the VA and may affect tuition, housing, and book stipend benefits.

  • Full Time Status --- Winter/Summer

    Students considering taking a winter/summer course should work directly with the Office of Continuing Studies for course registration and Financial Aid for tuition inquiries.

  • Required Sequence Courses
    Wesleyan reports the first semester of a required sequence courses as credit to the VA during that semester. If the student does not earn a passing in the first or second course, this reduction in credit will be reported to the VA, which may affect tuition, housing, and book stipend benefits. Detailed information regarding the granting of credit in two-semester courses is available here.
  • Transfer Credit

    To transfer credits, the student must:

    • Contact your class dean for assistance.
  • Study Abroad

    For Chapter 31 students interested in Study Abroad:

    • Contact your Vocab/Rehab Counselor for approval. Approval must be granted before taking the next steps.
    • Contact the Office of Study Abroad for program options.
    • Contact the Financial Aid Office as appropriate.
    • Follow-up with the Registrar's office for enrollment certification.
      • For these programs, the Registrar's Office requires the following information before enrollment certification can be processed.
        • Name of the specific program from the Office of Study Abroad
        • Specific dates of attendance for the classes (first/last day of classes; not travel dates)


    For Chapter 33, Chapter 33 Yellow Ribbon, and Chapter 35 students interested in Study Abroad: