Summer Courses for the Class of 2029

Wesleyan is offering students in the Class of 2029 the opportunity to take a course remotely from home over the summer before matriculating in the University this fall.  The summer course curriculum includes small writing-intensive First-Year Seminars (FYS). All incoming students are encouraged to complete one FYS within their first year at Wesleyan.

The course registration process will be open to incoming first-years over the summer via their Academic Road Map.  Every student who submits course preferences during this time period will have an equal chance of getting scheduled into a class. Students will be notified of their final course schedule by late June.

No additional charge will be incurred for incoming students who enroll in one of the courses listed below; tuition for these special courses is included in the regular academic year tuition fee. [Note that this program for the incoming class is entirely separate from Wesleyan's Summer Session, which offers courses every summer with a tuition cost.]

Summer courses for the incoming class will take place online from Monday, July 7 through Tuesday, August 12. The class meeting times listed are the hours when the entire class will meet together; while some classes have greater or fewer synchronous meeting times, all courses will require the same total amount of academic work over the five weeks.

We hope you will join us!

Course Offerings

More detailed course information will be coming soon!