For undergraduate and graduate students to make changes to their spring schedule, including adding or dropping a 4th Quarter Class, navigate to your Class Schedule in WesPortal and take the necessary actions.
- What should a student do if the desired faculty tutor is NOT listed in the drop down list for a particular tutorial?
Please contact the Registrar's Office at x2810 or
- What should a student do if the desired tutorial is NOT listed in WesMaps?
Please contact the Registrar's Office at x2810 or Once in WesMaps, students would then need to submit the tutorial request to the tutor.
- When do tutorials get requested and approved?
All tutorial enrollment requests and approvals must occur during Drop/Add.
- Can a denied tutorial request by reversed?
YES. If a tutorial request is denied, the student will need to submit a new tutorial enrollment request via drop/add.
- Where can tutorial registration be accessed in WesPortal?
STUDENT - Courses>Drop/Add>Subject Area>Tutorials
TUTOR - Academic Toolbox>Course Management>Enrollment Requests
CHAIR/DIRECTOR - Academic Toolbox>Tutorial Requests
ADVISOR - Academic Toolbox>Advisees>Drop/Add
- Do tutorials count towards the 4 full credit course limit?
NO. Tutorials, Private Music Lessons, and courses worth less than 1.00 credit do not count towards the limit. Therefore, advisors do not need to raise the student's credit limit.
- Are all tutorials done through the Drop/Add system?
YES, except Student Forums (paper form available from Student Leader) & Teaching Apprentices (WesPortal>Courses).
- Does a tutorial request still need approval from the tutor, chair/director, and advisor?
YES. The relevant faculty members will receive automated emails when an approval takes place in the step preceding theirs. Also, each step is completed through the WesPortal.
- Who can change the information on the tutorial form?
Only the student can change information on the tutorial form.
- Can the information on the tutorial form be changed at any point?
NO. The tutorial form information is FROZEN once approved by the Faculty Tutor. Therefore the student should make sure the form is set before submitting to the tutor. Also, the tutor should request and receive all changes before approving the tutorial.
- Can the grading mode be changed once the tutorial is a course enrollment?
NO. The grading mode cannot be changed once approved by the tutor.
- Does each student in a group tutorial need to fill out a form?
YES. Each student will need to submit an electronic tutorial request form. Please note that the tutor may distribute universal text at the first class meeting, etc.
- How can tutorial forms be printed out?
Tutorial forms can only be printed during Drop/Add. Students can print the form at any time in the Tutorial Enrollment Requests table. Tutors can print the form until it is approved by the advisor in the Tutorial Enrollment Requests table. Chairs/Directors can print the form at any time in the Tutorial Requests table. Advisors can print the form until it is approved by the advisor in the Tutorial Enrollment Requests table.
Please note that most internet browsers will need the "Print Selected Frame" option clicked.
- How does a student drop a tutorial once it is an enrolled course?
Click the Drop 'x' in the Drop/Add Transactions table, just as if it was a regular course enrollment. Please note that clicking the Cancel Request 'x' in the Tutorial Enrollment Requests table, will NOT drop a student from an advisor approved tutorial.
- Who do I contact with questions/issues?
Drop/Add, Karri Van Blarcom, x3684
Honors, Amanda Daddona, x2834
Teaching Apprentice Program, Tracey Stanley, x2747
Graduate Studies, Barbara Schukoske, x2224