Past Exhibitions

2024 - 2025

The Fascination of Sugar

Reading Signs: Jasper Johns and Glenn Ligon in Print

2023 - 2024

Dürer and His Time

Corot and the Cliché-verre in Nineteenth-Century France

Air Pressure

2019 - 2020

Into the Image

Special Installations: Entering Edo and Find Me Unafraid

2018 - 2019

For Effect: Emphatic Bodies from the Renaissance to the Industrial Age


Salon 2018: Selections from the Davison Art Center Collection

Special Installations: David Schorr and First Year Matters

2017 - 2018

Reclaiming the Gaze: African American Prints and Photographs, 1930 to Now

Sasha Rudensky: Acts and Illusions

2016 - 2017

Converging to a Center: Photographs from the Collection of Andrew Szegedy-Maszak and Elizabeth Bobrick

Changing Visions: Prints, Drawings, and Photographs during the Weimar Republic and After

William Earle Williams: A Stirring Song Sung Heroic: African Americans from Slavery to Freedom, 1619 to 1865

2015 - 2016

Philip Trager: Photographing Ina

Passion and Power: German Prints in the Age of Dürer

Phantom Bodies: Photographs by Tanya Marcuse

2014 - 2015

Personal Recollections: Gifts from Robert Dannin & Jolie Stahl

A Body in Fukushima

Call to Action: American Posters in World War I

2013 - 2014

Oral Fixations: Drawings by Julia Randall

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

Themes and Variations: Seriality in American Prints, 1960-1980

2012 - 2013

Artists Take Action: Protest Posters Today

(Re)viewing Bodies: Selected American Photographs, 1930-2000

Andrew Raftery: Open House

2011 - 2012

With a Lot of Help from Our Friends: 50 Years of Acquisitions Funded by the Friends of the Davison Art Center

APOTHECARY (storehouse): new paintings by David Schorr

Excavations: The Prints of Julie Mehretu

2010 - 2011

Collecting Photographs: Ellen G. D'Oench and the Growth of a Collection

Caprice and Corruption: 18th-Century Prints

Art and Appetite

2009 - 2010

Counting on Chance: 25 Years of Artist's Books by Robin Price, Publisher

Imitation & Invention

Creative Acts: Recent Acquisitions at the Davison Art Center

2008 - 2009

Judith Joy Ross: Photographs

Modern Times: American Graphic Arts, 1900-1950

Document or Art? Photography in the Long 19th Century, 1839-1914

The Bizarre and the Beautiful: Fantasy as Visual Pleasure in Renaissance and Baroque Prints

2007 - 2008

Music and Modernism in the Graphic Arts, 1860-1910

Satire and Society: Honoré Daumier and French Lithography

Keiji Shinohara: Color Harmony

2006 - 2007

A Newspaperman's Eye: American Photographs from the Collection of Russell G. D'Oench

Etching Since 1950

Multiple Fascinations: Dutch and Flemish Prints from Bruegel to Rembrandt

2005 - 2006

Philip Trager: A Retrospective

The Imaginary Life of Ordinary Things: the dish ran away with the spoon

Wordplay: Text and Image from 1950 to Now

American Document: Barbara Morgan Dance Photographs

2004 - 2005

A Passion for Prints

Single Impressions: Monotypes and Monoprints

Shades of Black[ness]: Selected Works by African American Artists from the Davison Art Center Collection

Jim Dine, The Photographs, so far

2003 - 2004

Staging War: Images and Artists in Conflict

Duality/Dialectic: New Perspectives on the DAC Collection

Performing Images, Embodying Race: The Orientalized Body in Early 20th-Century U.S. Performance & Visual Culture

Unexpected Dimensions: Works from the Lewitt Collection

A Few New Acquisitions

Larry Fink: Making Out, 1957-1980

2002 - 2003

Some Things Worth Looking Into: Alfred Stieglitz's Camera Work and American Pictorial Photography

Northern Light: Photographs by David Octavius Hill and Robert Adamson from the University of St. Andrews

John Heartfield: Fighting the Dogs of War

A Dog's Life: Images from Dürer to Wegman

Vis-à-Vis: Five Centuries of Portraiture

Ruin and Redemption in Urban Landscape

This Must Be the Place: Five Centuries of Landscape Art

2001 - 2002

Thanks to Good Friends: 40 Years of the Friends of the Davison Art Center

What's Going On: Prints, Drawings, and Photographs from the 1970s

Abstraction and Representation: Contemporary Architectural Drawings

Imaging Dance: Works from the DAC Collection

David Schorr: Illustrations to Charles Baudelaire's Les Fleurs du mal

Anni Albers: Works on Paper from The Albers Foundation

2000 - 2001

New on View: Recent DAC Acquisitions

New Vistas: Watercolors by John Martin

Changing Paris: A Tour along the Seine, Photographs by Philip Trager

1999 - 2000

Jim Dine Photographs

150 Years of Photography: Highlights from the DAC Collection

Life as Circus: Max Beckmann's The Fair

Fifty Years of Chinese Woodblock Prints: Art for the People

1998 - 1999

Printmaking in America, 1960-1990

L'Estampe moderne: A Century After

Fantasy and Reality: Works by 18th-century Venetian Printmakers

Perceptions of the Moment: The Snapshot Aesthetic

Re-Presenting Art: Four Decades of Postmodernism

"Spirit of the Metropolis": Berenice Abbott's New York

Alice Burr, Photographer: A California Pictorialist Rediscovered

1997 - 1998

Locating Clement Greenberg

Art of Ink in America: Fourth International Contemporary Calligraphy Exhibition

Women and Camera Work

Looking In: Photographs from the Collection of Andrew Szegedy-Maszak and Elizabeth Bobrick

Renaissance Prints: A Study Exhibition

Strategies of Abstraction

Industrials, Pastorals, The Elements: Sandra Newbury Photographs

Illustrating Knowledge: Three Centuries of Printed Images

Fantasy and Reason: Prints by Francisco Goya

1996 - 1997

Glenn Ligon: Untitled (Two White/Two Black) & Runaways

Sergei Semenov Woodcuts

Imaginary Prisons: Piranesi's Carceri

Renaissance Prints: A Study Exhibition

Trick or Treat: Surprises from the Davison Art Center

Images of Children in Farm Security Administration Photographs

Still Time: Sally Mann Photographs 1971-1991

1995 - 1996

From Daguerreotype to Photogravure

Keiji Shinohara: Interpretations in Woodcut

Photographs by Philip Trager: Recent Gifts

Jim Dine's Raven

Icons of Modernity: Building New York

Exact Imaginations: The Oriental in 19th-century Photographs of Southeast Asia

Culture and Consumerism: Images of America 1800-1870

Conversations in Twentieth-Century Photography