Fantasy and Reality: Works by 18th-century Venetian Printmakers
Tuesday January 19, 1999 - Friday March 5, 1999
G.B. Tiepolo, Discovery of the Tomb of Punchinello.
This exhibition presented etchings by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo; his son, Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo; Canaletto; and Venetian-born printmaker Giovanni Battista Piranesi, who lived and worked primarily in Rome.
On view were imaginary figural compositions by the Tiepolos; early architectural fantasies by Piranesi, including his famous Prisons; and Canaletto's vedute, which depict both actual sites in Venice and views that were pictorially rearranged. Curator Stephanie Wiles gave an Art à la mode gallery talk on Wednesday 27 January 1999.
Tuesday 19 January - Friday 5 March 1999
Fantasy & Reality traveled to the University of New Hampshire, where it was on view from 23 October - 12 December 1999.