Artists Take Action: Protest Posters Today
Friday April 5, 2013 - Sunday May 26, 2013
Meredith Stern (American), Hear Me Roar, 2012, from the portfolio This Is an Emergency! Linocut. Wesleyan University Library, Special Collections & Archives. © Meredith Stern, (photo: R. J. Phil).
In 2011, the Occupy movement filled town squares across the country in protest of economic inequality. Artists and graphic designers created vivid posters to spread the word. This exhibition looked at the resurgence of protest posters today, whether advocating for climate change issues, reproductive rights, gender rights, or treatment for war veterans. Included were works by more than fifty artists from around the United States and beyond. Organized by the Davison Art Center in collaboration with Special Collections & Archives, Olin Library.