Welcome to the Wesleyan community! Your student has been accepted to Wesleyan because they are bright, motivated, capable of critical thinking and creativity, and have the potential for independent learning. Accessibility Services knows this is an exciting time for both students and their families, but there can be uncertainty around all the changes and new experiences students will encounter; for students with disabilities, there can be additional questions about accommodations and services available.

Accessibility Services assists Wesleyan students with disabilities in reducing barriers in order to work towards their full potential as students and individuals in the community. Parents and families can help enrich their student’s experience by learning about the resources available, and encouraging their student to connect with us early and as often as needed.

The purpose of this site is to provide information to parents and families which can help you empower your student to use the resources available to them in order to maximize their college experience. We look forward to meeting your student, welcoming them to the Wesleyan community, and working with them during their time at Wes.


We are happy to provide general information to parents and families so that you can know how to best support your student as they navigate the process for securing accommodations. Please know, Accessibility Services is ready to help your student have the best possible experience at Wesleyan University, but it is incumbent upon your student to initiate the process.

Please note the following, as stated in the Parent Handbook:
Wesleyan administrators are constrained by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, (as amended, it is commonly known as the Buckley Amendment) and cannot share certain information about a student unless the student has given permission. In Wesleyan’s interpretation, the terms of FERPA also extend to conversations with parents. Please contact the class deans with any questions about confidentiality.

In addition, the University has developed a separate policy statement on student records, as required by the FERPA. You can read more about Student Rights and Freedoms of Students outlined within the Student Handbook.