Reasonable Accommodations


Below are descriptions for the most common accommodations approved for students with disabilities at Wesleyan University.

If you have any questions, please contact us at anytime.


Accommodation Descriptions

Extended time for quizzes, and examinations

Extended time is arranged with faculty by the student. The standard recommended amount is an additional 50% over the time given to all students without accommodations. If more time is recommended, the Accessibility Services Accommodation Letter will specify this.

Distraction reduced test environment

Faculty are asked to arrange an alternate testing space to be used by students in your class with this accommodation. It is not necessary to have each student in a separate space; this accommodation is meant to address the multiple distractions that may be present in the room with the full class. Typically, all students with this accommodation in a class can be in a location together, separate from the larger classroom. If you or your departmental assistant is unable to reserve a room, Accessibility Services can help you find a suitable location.

Note taking

Note taking accommodations vary by student, and are specified in the accommodation letter. Some students may use a note taking system, such as Glean or a LiveScribe pen, to take notes independently by recording the class. For other students, you may be asked to provide slides before class if available. Some software is provided through Accessibility Services, but students may also use their own preferred program/device.

Use of computer for all in-class writing (note taking and/or exams)

Sometimes faculty do not permit use of laptops in class.  An exception must be made for students with this as an approved accommodation.  So as not to, by default, disclose that a student has a disability, it is strongly encouraged that faculty who do not permit use of laptops include a statement in their syllabus that exceptions to this rule will be made on a case-by-case basis. Accessibility Services has laptops without internet access available for students to borrow during an exam.

Flexible deadlines on assignments as mutually agreed upon by faculty and student

The Accessibility Services Accommodation Letter provides written verification of the legitimacy of additional time required for assignments due to a disability. The student is responsible to provide the letter to the faculty member in order to initiate discussions of deadlines and procedures. In these conversations, faculty and student should mutually agree upon expectations. Faculty should make their policies clear so that students can make informed choices about which courses to take.

Consideration regarding attendance

The Accessibility Services Accommodation Letter provides written verification of the legitimacy of additional absences due to a disability. This accommodation does not imply that the student is not required to attend class. The reasonableness of this provision is based on the essential components of the course. The student is responsible to provide the letter to the faculty member in order to initiate discussions of attendance and make-up policies and procedures. Faculty should make their policies clear so that students can make informed decisions based on an understanding of the expectations of the course. More information on this accommodation can be found here: Accommodations Involving Attendance.

Assistive listening devices

Some students use Assisted Listening Devices and will ask that faculty use a transmitter and lapel microphone to ensure that they have access to material being presented. In some cases, the amplification systems are built into the room. Students access these devices through t-coils in their hearing aids. These are available in multiple classrooms throughout campus.

Additional Information