Program Housing

Art-Lighthouse Women of Color House Home Eclectic
Malcolm X House Community Service House AAA House Earth House

We acknowledge the people- past, present, and future- of the Wangunk Tribe on whose traditional lands the program houses at Wesleyan University reside.

Program Housing is a unique living option offered to upperclass students at Wesleyan.  It gives residents the opportunity to live collectively in a house based on shared hobbies, experiences, cultural interests and identities.  It also supports the creation of interwoven communities of interest that otherwise would not be as connected. Many program houses are not only tied to an academic department or student organization, but also very often provide outreach to the greater Middletown community.  The primary goal of each Program House is to provide educational and cultural, campus inclusive programming for residents and the larger Wesleyan community. Each Program House maintains a direct connection to a Faculty or Staff Advisor who assists with student and program development.

The following is a list of the Program House/Hall & Fraternity/Society, its Faculty and Staff Advisors, as well as its House Managers. 

Program House

House Advisor House Manager
AAA House

Sourav Guha, Research Fellow of the College of the Environment

Amy Tang, English/American Studies

Raya Goulding
Art House Kate TenEyck, Art & Art History Sam DosSantos
Community Engagement House  Diana Martinez, Community Services & Volunteerism Jennifer Cook
Earth House Jennifer Kleindienst (Sustainability Coordinator), Finance and Administration Lara Barzenji
Eurasian House Natasha Karageorgos, Assistant Professor of the Practice in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies

 TBD Fall 2025

Farm House Prof. Paul Erickson, History, Science in Society, and Environmental Studies Sage Saling
Film House Prof. Lisa Dombrowski Joel Pau
Full House TBD Marin Theis
German Haus Iris Bork-Goldfield, German Studies Omri Riss Chbarbi
International House

Indira Karamcheti , American Studies

Elizabeth HepfordEnglish and Writing Programs

Jeannette Zhang

Japanese House TBD Mia Pakola
La Casa TBD Alba Moreno
Light House Professor Joseph P. Slaughter Venessa Ochieng
Lotus House Andrew Quintman, Religion and East Asian Studies
Maison Francophone Liana Pshevorska, Romance Languages and Literatures & Fries Center for Global Studies Calder Burke
Movement House TBD River Isleib
Music House Paula Matthusen, Music Emmett Favreau
Open House

Margot Weiss, Anthropology

Emma Nielsen
Out House Suzanne O'Connell, Earth & Environmental Sciences Silas Bishop
Science House Michelle Personick, Chemistry and Integrative Sciences Ricky Liu
Sign Language House Karen WarrenInformation Technology Services Elena Jordan
The Bayit Rabbi David TevaOffice of Religious & Spiritual Life Theodore Bellavia-Frank
Ubuntu Laura Twagira, Feminist, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, Science & Society, and History Christine Butawo
Well Being House TBD  Romani Osbourne
Women's Solidarity House TBD Amanda Arroyo
Womxn of Color House Amy Tang, English/American Studies Oluchi Chukwuemeka


Fraternity/Society* House Advisor House Manager
Alpha Delta Phi Dean Canalia, Physical Plant  Lucas Shvetsov
Psi Upsilon (Psi U) Giulio Gallarotti, Government Cate Baldwin
Eclectic TBD Kseniia Guliaeva


On a semesterly basis, the Office of Residential Life works with the Undergraduate Residential Life Committee (URLC), a subcommittee of the Wesleyan Student Assembly's Student Affairs Committee, to formally evaluate Program Housing in order to ensure that the needs and expectations of residents within our communities are being met.  Program House applications are available each spring semester during our housing selection process for residents interested in living in a Program House for the following academic year.