Spring 2025 Important Dates:
- Thursday, January 16 - Wednesday, February 5: Drop/Add Period
- Thursday, January 23: First day of classes
- Course Registration Timeline
Refer to the Academic Calendar for each semester's timelines and dates.
- Pre-Registration: Planning Period
BA Undergraduate students enrolled in the current semester, and those students returning from leave can participate. BLS students approaching their final semester may also participate in planning. - Students submit ranked requests for the upcoming term using the pre-registration system.
- Students and their advisors discuss course selections and finalize plans electronically.
- All plans MUST BE FINALIZED before the close of pre-reg planning.
- After scheduling runs, students can review their scheduled courses.
- Only students who had finalized plans will have schedules.
- All undergraduates and graduate students can participate.
- Students will access the system, in a staggered order, based on the number of credits scheduled.
- During this period, students can adjust their schedules and submit ranked Drop/Add Enrollment requests.
- Advisors approve changes electronically.
- All students enrolled in the current semester can participate.
- Students can submit enrollment requests, drop courses, and register for tutorial courses.
- All course enrollments require instructor approval.
- Pre-Registration: Planning Period
- Accessing Pre-Registration
You may access the pre-registration system by clicking on Pre-Registration under Courses in your WesPortal. The link will not be viewable until pre-registration has officially begun.
- Confirming your Current Classes and Schedule
You are required to confirm your current term course schedule in order to participate in Pre-Registration Planning for the next term. Therefore, you are NOT able to build a plan until confirmation. So please click "Confirm your current classes and schedule," review your schedule, and click Correct or Incorrect. Please note that clicking Incorrect will permit access to Pre-Registration. Be sure to begin the petition process with your Class Dean if your schedule has an error.
- Clearing Holds
If you have a hold preventing you from participating in pre-registration, follow the instructions to clear the hold. Any questions about a hold should be directed to the department that placed the hold. Only the department who placed the hold can release the hold.
- Already Scheduled Courses
If you are already scheduled into courses, you do not need to rank them. You are already enrolled in these courses. However, if you would like to drop one of these courses, it is recommended that you wait until meeting with your Faculty Advisor.
- Planning Period Phase of Pre-Registration
The planning period is the first phase of the pre-registration period. During the planning period, you should identify courses you have an interest in and build a course plan, which your advisor must approve. You must meet with your advisor during the planning period to discuss your course plan and to have your plan approved before the scheduling program is run. If your course plan is not finalized before the scheduling period, it will not be included in the scheduling program.
- Ranking Course Selections During Planning
Once you have accessed the pre-registration page in your portal, you may add courses to your plan by navigating to WesMaps in the top half of the page, finding the course you are interested in, and clicking the "Add to My Courses" button, which can be found on the page of an offered course next to the section information. As you add courses, your course plan will be populated sequentially by rank 1-7 and unranked.
- Restrictions for Adding Courses
When you enter your course selections the system will check for the following:
- That your class year and/or major are not excluded.
- That you have met the prerequisites or have submitted a prerequisite override form.
- That you have submitted a permission of instructor form, if the course is a POI course.
The pre-registration system will not check for time conflicts during the planning period. However, because students may not be scheduled in classes with overlapping times during pre-registration, the system will check for time conflicts when the scheduling program is being run and during the adjustment period.
- Re-Ordering Ranked Courses During Planning
To re-order the rank of a course, use the pull-down menu next to the course and select a new rank. The re-ordered course will appear in the correct order on your course plan. If you are moving a course up or down in rank order, the list will automatically be re-ordered. If a course is displaced by the renumbering it will move to an unranked position.
- Number of Ranked Courses
You may add a maximum of seven ranked course selections.
- Multi-Section Courses
For courses which have multiple sections, you will need to indicate your section preferences when building your course plan. When you first add the course, you will need to click on "Add to My Courses" next to a specific section. Once the course has been added into your course plan, click on the "Section" button, which appears below the subject and catalog number of the course, in your course planning list. A box will pop up with all of the sections of the course. You can selecting multiple sections by holding down the Shift or CTRL key and clicking to select multiple sections. You can also select the "any" option if you do not have a specific section preference. Once you have chosen the sections you are interested in, click on "save changes" and the sections you have selected will appear in your course plan. The scheduling program will attempt to assign you to one of the sections.
- Finalizing a Plan during Pre-Reg Planning
You will need to meet with your advisor during the planning period to have your course plan finalized. Advisors must approve an advisee's course plan before it can be included in the scheduling program.
Your advisor will navigate to Pre-Registration in WesPortal and click on the row that has your name in it. This will open up a page with your pre-registration course plan. Your advisor will then need to select the "finalize" button. Once your plan has been finalized, your pre-registration page will state "Finalized by Professor X."
Advisors can un-finalize and re-finalize plans as needed throughout the planning period, but they must be finalized by the end of the planning period to be included in scheduling.
- Scheduling Phase of Pre-Registration
The scheduling program will be run the day after planning closes. No action can be taken until scheduling has run and the adjustment phase of pre-registration begins. Please click here for the most recent calendar of registration dates.
- Scheduling Results
Once the scheduling program has completed, students and their advisors will be able to view their schedules before the adjustment period begins. An email notification will be sent once schedules are ready to be viewed.
Courses that weren't scheduled during the scheduling period will appear under "Courses Not Scheduled" in the course plan. Once students have been assigned a date to begin adjusting their schedule, this information will appear above the course plan. After the scheduling program has run and before adjustment has opened for a student, the student can add to, delete, or re-order the courses that appear under "Courses Not Scheduled" in preparation for adjustment.
- Adjustment Phase of Pre-Registration
The adjustment period will open in a staggered fashion. Students who were assigned to one or fewer credits during pre-scheduling are granted access on the first day, two or fewer credits during scheduling are granted access on the second day, students who were assigned to three credits or less are granted access on the third day, and the remaining students (who were assigned to more than three credits) are granted access on the fourth day of the adjustment period.
Once the adjustment period has been opened for you, you will be able to add courses to your schedule by navigating to the pre-registration system and clicking the "Add to My Courses" button in WesMaps. If a seat is now available in a course that appears under "Courses Not Scheduled" an "Enroll" button will appear below the course. You can simply click the "Enroll" button to be added to the course. The system will check to make sure that a seat is available, that there is not a time conflict, that you are not already enrolled in 4 full-credit courses, and that you have met the necessary prerequisites/have the permission of the instructor and have not been excluded from the course. To drop a course, simply select the "drop" box next to the course.
- Advisor Approvals During Adjustment
Your advisor should approve any individual adds or drops you make during the adjustment period. You do not need to meet with your advisor during the adjustment period, unless the course you have attempted to add or drop has a "See Advisor" next to it. This means that your advisor has reviewed your adjustments and needs to discuss your schedule with you before approving it. You will not be removed from a course if the status is still pending by the end of pre-registration. Advisors may resume approving course enrollments when drop/add opens.
If an advisor disapproves a drop, you will NOT be put back into the class. You'll have to try to get into the course again, if seats are still available.
- Permission of Instructor Courses
If the course is POI Pre-Reg:
- Students should review the course's "Additional Requirements and/or Comments" in WesMaps and complete the application tasks as outlined by the instructor.
- During Pre-Reg Planning, students should submit a POI request.
- POI course requests are NOT ranked and will appear above your ranked requests.
- If a POI course is approved during planning, students will be enrolled in the course when scheduling runs. The scheduling system will then attempt to fill our schedule from your ranked list.
- If a POI course is pending or denied when scheduling runs, you will not be enrolled in the course.
- If a POI request is approved during Pre-Reg Adjustment, students should click the "Enroll" button once the POI request has been approved. Otherwise, students should submit the course as a ranked Drop/Add enrollment request.
- Students should review the course's "Additional Requirements and/or Comments" in WesMaps and complete the application tasks as outlined by the instructor.
- During Pre-Reg Adjustment, students should submit the course as a ranked Drop/Add enrollment request.
- Course Pre-Requisites
If you have met the pre-requisites for a course or are currently enrolled in the pre-requisite(s), you will be eligible for the course during pre-registration. The only exception will be if there is a bin restriction for your class year.
If you have not met the specific pre-requisites for a course, and believe you should be considered for it, you can submit a pre-requisite override request for a course. This is particularly useful for students with transfer credit that may have taken similar coursework at another institution. When submitting a pre-requisite override request, you must enter an explanation for your request. Once you submit it, the professor will receive an email.
If they approve your override request, you would be eligible for the course. If you do not receive approval, you are not eligible for the course.
- Bin Distributions
The bin distributions for a course help identify which level of students are most appropriate for the course.
- If a class year or major bin is excluded, designated with an X, students are not eligible for the course in any phase of pre-registration. They may be considered during drop/add.
- If the class year or major bin is zero, students have lower priority for the course when scheduling runs.
- During adjustment, any undergraduate students eligible for a course and not excluded (X) can enroll in the course as long as undergraduate seats are available. Graduate seats are reserved for graduate students.
- Full-Credit Course Limit During Pre-Registration
You are allowed to register for four full-credit courses during pre-registration. You may add additional partial credit classes (such as labs or PHED courses). If you need to enroll in additional courses beyond the four full-credit maximum, you'll need advisor approval to raise your limit and may add those courses during the Drop/Add period. Private Music Lessons (MUSC405 or MUSC406) and tutorials do not count towards the full-credit limit.
- Graduate Students During Pre-Registration
Graduate students only participate in the Adjustment phase of pre-registration.
- Oversubscribed Subjects and/or Categories
You should review your WesPortal>Academics>Credit Analysis Report for more detailed information. Also, you should contact your Class Dean, as they will be able to provide information and assistance. The Class Deans can be contacted at x2600 or on the 2nd floor of North College Hall.
- Oversubscribed Credits in the Summary and Subject tables
A single course can cause oversubscription in multiple subjects/categories. However, that course's credit will only count against you once. Therefore the Summary table lists the number of credits that are unusable. The Subject table lists the number of instances of oversubscribed credits. If you have additional questions, please contact your Class Dean, as they will be able to provide information and assistance. The Class Deans can be contacted at x2600 or on the 2nd floor of North College Hall.
- Registration Help Line
The registration help line will be open each semester from the time that pre-registration opens until it ends, during normal business hours, Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm. The phone number of the registration help line is x3222. You will be able to leave a message after hours, and we will be checking the voicemail messages throughout the day.