Drop/Add Tutorial Status Explanations
This tutorial form has NOT been submitted to the Faculty Tutor. Please click on the notepad to update and click the submit button. Please note that you must fill in all required fields to submit the form.
Awaiting Registrar class creation
An automated email has been sent to the Registrar's staff with instructions to create this course. Once created, an automated email will be sent to the requested Faculty tutor.
Awaiting Faculty Tutor action
An automated email has been sent to the Faculty Tutor with instructions to review pending tutorial requests. Upon approval, an automated email will be sent to the Chair/Director of the tutorial's subject area.
Awaiting Chair/Director action
An automated email has been sent to the Chair/Director of the tutorial's subject area with instructions to review pending tutorial requests. Upon approval, an automated email will be sent to your Faculty advisors.
Awaiting Advisor action
An automated email has been sent to your Faculty advisors with instructions to review pending tutorial requests. Upon approval, your tutorial request becomes an official course enrollment. Please note that all of a student's advisors will received the email and be able to review and take action on the request.
Awaiting xxxx Chair/Director action
Awaiting xxxx Chair/Director action
This status is only applicable to students pursuing an honors thesis tutorial in multiple departments/programs. An automated email has been sent to the Chairs/Directors of the tutorial's multiple subject areas with instructions to review pending tutorial requests. Upon both approvals, an automated email will be sent to your Faculty advisors.
Awaiting xxxx Advisor action
Awaiting xxxx Chair/Director action
This status is only applicable to students pursuing an honors thesis tutorial in multiple departments/programs. An automated email has been sent to the Chairs/Directors of the tutorial's multiple subject areas with instructions to review pending tutorial requests. At this point, only one Chair/Director has taken action and approved the tutorial. Upon both approvals, an automated email will be sent to your Faculty advisors. Please note that the advisors cannot take action until both subject areas have been approved.
Enrolled in Course
This course is fully approved and is now an official enrollment. During Drop/Add, you can click on the notepad to review and print the tutorial form. When printing, select the "print this frame" option.
Faculty has denied request
This tutorial request has been denied by the proposed tutor. Please use the email hyperlink in the 6th column of the Tutorial Enrollment Requests table to contact the tutor for more information. You will need to request a new tutorial if you are prompted by the tutor.
Chair has denied request
This tutorial request was approved by the proposed tutor, but has been denied by the chair/director. Please click on the notepad in the View/Update column to determine what faulty member to contact for more information. You will need to request a new tutorial for tutor approval if you are prompted by the chair/director.
Advisor has denied request
This tutorial request was approved by the proposed tutor and chair/director, but has been denied by one of your advisors. Please click on the notepad in the View/Update column to determine what advisor to contact for more information. You will need to request a new tutorial for tutor approval if you are prompted by your advisor.