Spring 2025 Important Dates:

  • Thursday, January 16 - Wednesday, February 5: Drop/Add Period
  • Thursday, January 23: First day of classes


  • Accessing Drop/Add

    Log in to your WesPortal. If you have just returned to campus for the semester, make sure that you have clicked the ENROLL ME button under "Enrollment Checklist & Addresses" which is located under "My Information." You must be officially enrolled in the University before you can participate in Drop/Add.  Then navigate to the Drop/Add link under Courses. The Drop/Add pages will only be available during the drop/add period.

  • Enrolling in the University
    Before you can use the system you must complete virtual enrollment, if you have not done so already. Within WesPortal, navigate to My Information>Enrollment Checklist & Addresses and click the “Enroll Me” button found on the page and follow the instructions. Please be sure to verify and update your parent and emergency contact information at the time that you visit the Enrollment site. The information displayed will be used by the class Deans and other University officials in the event of an emergency. You can click “Enroll Me” before clearing all of your holds; if you have a hold, follow the instructions to clear it in a timely manner.
  • Holds During Drop/Add

    You are permitted to participate in Drop/Add while holds get resolved. Follow the directions to resolve each hold and reach out to the department that places the hold(s) if you have any questions. Be mindful to clear holds by the posted deadlines, as some holds will need to be cleared for you to remain in your classes.

  • Ranked Drop/Add Enrollment Requests

    Students are only be able to add four ranked enrollment requests during pre-registration. Ranked enrollment requests submitted during pre-registration will appear for students in their "Class Schedule," and for professors in their Course Management page as pending enrollment requests. They can see the rankings of the enrollment requests in this list. As soon as drop/add opens, professors have the ability to start taking action on pending enrollment requests.

    • Ranked drop/add requests cannot have their rankings adjusted during drop/add.
    • All enrollment requests submitted during drop/add are un-ranked requests.
  • Full-Course Credit Limit

    By default, the full-credit (1.0 or higher credit) course limit is 4 courses, excluding private music lessons and tutorials. There is no limit to the number of partial-credit (less than 1.0 credit) courses you can take.

    If you have a legitimate pedagogical reason to exceed the four-credit limit, you must request a credit limit increase from your advisor. Credit limits can be increased starting on the first day of drop/add.

    If you have reached your credit limit and are offered a seat in another full-credit course, you will have to either drop a course you are already enrolled in or seek a credit limit increase. The course will appear in red in your pending enrollment requests until resolved. If you do not resolve this conflict by 5pm the next business day, the nightly process will remove the newly added course from your schedule.

  • Submitting Enrollment Requests During Drop/Add

    Once drop/add opens, students will be able to submit additional unranked requests using the electronic drop/add system. Students will be able to submit up to 6 unranked courses as drop/add requests. There is no limit to the number of sections of each course that can be ranked.

    Once you have logged into your WesPortal and navigated to drop/add, you may search for a course using the various search capabilities available under "Course Search", including "Only Show Courses With Seats Available." Click "Add to my Enrollment Requests" on the course page. The instructor must accept your add request.

  • Pending Enrollment Requests

    If the instructor does not add you to the class, the request will remain in your “Pending Enrollment Requests” until you cancel it. 

  • Instructor Approval of Enrollment Requests

    All course enrollments during drop/add require instructor approval. Instructors will consult enrollment requests to determine a student’s eligibility for a course. Students should remember that instructors will consider a variety of factors (e.g., class year, major and student interest) when offering a student a seat in the class.  

    If the instructor adds you to the class, the class will move from your “Pending Enrollment Requests” to your “Drop/Add transactions” (your in-process schedule), and you will see “Inst. Add” in the Status box.  

  • Advisor Approval of Course Enrollments

    Until your advisor takes an action, that column will say “Pending Advisor.” If your advisor approves your add, you will see “Advisor Approved” in the status column next to the course, and it will turn white in your “Drop/Add Transactions” schedule overnight.  If your advisor does not approve your add, you will see “Advisor Disapproved” in the status column, and the course will be deleted from your schedule. If your advisor wants to discuss the add request, you will see “See advisor” in that column.

  • Seats Available in a Course during Drop/Add

    All enrollments into courses during drop/add require instructor approval. You will not automatically be added to a course with seats available.

  • Pre-Requisites During Drop/Add

    When you add an enrollment request, the drop/add system will check your academic history to see if you have met the prerequisites for the course. An indication of whether you have met the prerequisites or not will appear in a column in your enrollment request list. This is informational only, to assist the faculty member in making a decision about whether to allow you into the course. Please note that if you submitted a prerequisite override form during online registration, the drop/add system will not indicate that you received an override. There is no mechanism to submit a pre-requisite override request during drop/add.

  • POI/Pre-Req Override Requests from Pre-Registration

    If you submitted a POI/Pre-Requisite request, but did NOT enroll in the course, you must now submit a Drop/Add enrollment request.

  • Dropping a Course

    To drop a course, check the “drop” box in the column next to the course and click the “Drop Course” button. You will need to confirm your intent to drop the course. The instructor does not need to approve your drop. If your advisor disapproves your drop, it will not put you back into the course. You'll need to submit a new enrollment request the next business day.

  • Re-requesting a Dropped Course

    If you dropped a course, and later decided you wanted to remain in the course, you'll need to submit a new enrollment request. The system will not permit you to submit an enrollment request on the same day you dropped the course; you'll have to wait until the next day. You are encouraged to email the instructor to explain the situation.

  • Changing a Grading Mode, Crosslisting, or GenEd Designation

    If the course has a "student option" grading mode, crosslisting(s), or two GenEd areas, you may choose the preferred option through the Drop/Add system. Courses that allow for these types of changes will have a drop-down selection in the schedule or enrollment request list. You can select your preferred option using the drop-downs.

    If a drop-down menu does not appear in the crosslisting, grading mode, or GenEd column, this means that the course does not have options to adjust this data. Crosslistings and GenEd changes may only be through the end of the drop/add period. For courses in which students have a choice of grading mode, the final choice must be made no later than fourteen days after the drop/add period ends.

  • Confirming Your Schedule

    As soon as Drop/Add begins, you can begin to confirm your schedule. You must confirm your schedule by indicating that it is either correct or incorrect. If you fail to confirm your final schedule, you will not be permitted to participate in the next semester’s Pre-Registration.

    Confirmation buttons will appear within WesPortal>Courses>Class Schedule. Once you have reviewed your schedule you will be required to indicate whether your schedule is correct or not by clicking a button as electronic confirmation. These confirmation buttons will remain visible until you have clicked to indicate that your schedule is correct or not correct.

    If your schedule is incorrect, you must take correction during drop/add to correct the schedule. After drop/add, you must submit the necessary forms to correct your schedule.

    Once you’ve confirmed your schedule is correct, you will no longer be able to submit additional drop/add requests, and instructors will no longer be able to accept you into pending drop/add requests. If you need to make additional changes, you can un-confirm your schedule to do so. Remember to go back and confirm it again once it’s set!

  • Attending the First Meeting Class of a Registered Course

    The Educational Policy Committee of the Faculty has determined that unless registered students attend the first class meeting or communicate directly with the instructor prior to the first class (in writing, by email or in person), the instructor can drop a student from his/her class list. Full text of the EPC Statement is available here.

  • Attending First Meeting of Courses with Pending Enrollment Requests

    Students are required to attend the first meeting of a class for which they have registered. Attendance at the first meeting of a class with a pending enrollment request is an option, but not a requirement to keep the pending enrollment request. Students should not skip the first meeting of a REGISTERED class to attend a class with a pending enrollment request, as they may lose their seat in the registered class by not attending.


  • Tutorial Registration

    Tutorial course registration will be done through the Drop/Add system. Students will submit requests, and then Tutors, Chairs/Directors, and Advisors can access the tutorial forms and take appropriate approval actions. Tutorial transactions happen in real-time on the computer instead of by signing and submitting paper forms.

    Students must initiate the tutorial request, by navigating to drop/add and clicking on the subject area the tutorial will be under. From here, click on the "Tutorials" link, just below "Courses Offered." Select the correct tutorial number and complete all fields to submit the tutorial request to workflow.

    For any questions about which subject area or tutorial to choose, and any assistance filling in fields on the form, please consult with the faculty tutor that will be working with you.

    Once the tutorial has received all approvals, the enrollment will be created.

  • Student Forums and TA Tutorials

    The only courses that are NOT part of the WesPortal drop/add system are student forums and teaching apprentice tutorials. Student forums are done via paper through the student leader. TA tutorials are done through WesPortal > Courses > Teaching Apprentice Tutorial.

  • Registering for a Teaching Apprentice Tutorial

    Students who have been approved as teaching apprentices (491 or 492) will need to accept the assignment in their WesPortal. You may view the request in WesPortal > Courses > Teaching Apprentice Tutorial In order to accept the teaching apprenticeship, click on the Course ID, select "yes" in the student decision box, and hit the submit button.  If you have specific questions about your teaching apprenticeship, please send an email to registrar@wesleyan.edu.

  • Course Registration Helpline

    The registration help line will be open each semester from the time that the drop/add system opens until it ends, during normal business hours, Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm. The phone number of the registration help line is x3222, or (860) 685-3222 if you are dialing from off-campus. Please leave a detailed message if we are unable to answer, and we'd be glad to get back to you as soon as possible.

    You are also welcome to send an email to registrar@wesleyan.edu.