- Navigating to Drop/Add as an Advisor
Log in to your WesPortal and navigate to Advisees, located under "Advising." You will see a list of your advisees. Advisees who require advisor action will be highlighted. Clicking on the Drop/Add link next to any student’s name will allow the advisor to review that student’s in-process schedule in the top of the page ("Drop/Add Transactions") and those add and drop requests on hold ("Pending Advisor Approval").
- Advisor Approvals
Advisor approvals are required for all drops and adds. You will be able to approve your advisee’s requests in WesPortal and these approvals will be visible to the student. If you disapprove an add request, it will be dropped from the advisee’s schedule. If you disapprove a drop request, you, your advisee, and the instructor would need to communicate to explore whether the student can be readmitted to the class.
Please note only Liberal Arts or major advisors can take action to approve enrollment requests. Advisors for minors, certificates, or special student statuses have view only access.
- Advisor Notifications of Drop/Add Transactions
Advisors will not receive an e-mail for each Drop/Add transaction. Advisors will be notified by e-mail of their advisees drop/add activity in a single e-mail. The e-mail notification will be sent once a day as a reminder. The e-mail will include the names of all advisees who still need advisor approval. Advisors must go to their WesPortal to review their advisees’ schedules and approve the Drop/Add transactions.
Only major and Liberal Arts advisors can take action; all other advisors have view only access. If a student has multiple major advisors, only one needs to take action.
- Advisor Approval of an Add or Drop
If the instructor has not yet accepted the add, the "Approve" column will say "Pending Instructor Approval" and the advisor can take no action. If the pull-down menu is available, select "Approve." Click the "Submit" button. You will be given a chance to cancel or confirm the approval. “Approved” will show for the course in your WesPortal, and "Advisor Approved" will appear in the student’s portal and on the instructor’s class enrollment list.
When a student requests enrollment in a course that would put her/him over her/his credit-limit, the student, advisor, and instructor will see that course/student’s name highlighted in red. If the student has not dropped another course or obtained a credit-limit override by 5:00 p.m. of the next business day, the nightly process will return the seat in the extra course to the instructor.
- Exceeding the Full-Credit Course Limit
The system will permit undergraduate student to enroll in no more than four full-credit courses (courses with 1.00 or greater credits), excluding tutorials and private music lessons. There is no restriction on partial-credit courses (courses less than 1.00 credit). Students who feel they have a legitimate pedagogical reason to exceed the credit limit must discuss an override with their advisors. The limit should NOT be raised to give students more time to choose which classes they want. It should only be raised if they plan to take more than 4 full-credit courses that semester.
To change the credit limit:
1. Click on the advisee’s name to view their information.
2. At the top of the advisee’s information page, use the pull-down to select a new course limit for the student (keeping in mind the courses not included in this limit, listed above).
3. Click the "Change" button.
4. Once the limit is raised, it cannot be reduced.
When a student requests enrollment in a course that would put them over their credit-limit, the student, advisor, and instructor will see that course/student’s name highlighted in red. If the student has not dropped another course or obtained a credit-limit override by 5pm of the next business day, the nightly process will remove the student from the course. - Re-Requesting a Dropped Course
If a student dropped a course, and later decided they want to remain in the course, they'll need to submit a new enrollment request. The system will not permit them to submit an enrollment request on the same day they dropped the course; they'll have to wait until the next day. They are encouraged to email the instructor to explain the situation.
Disapproving a drop does NOT put them back in the course.
- "Instructor Drop" Meaning
Consistent with the EPC Statement on attendance, an instructor may drop a student from his or her class list should that student fail to attend the first class session or to communicate directly with the instructor prior to the first class. If a student has been dropped from the course by the instructor, “Instructor Dropped” will appear for that course. The student would need to submit a new enrollment request to be added to the class again. Full text of the EPC Statement is available here.
- Minor/Certificate/Special Student Advisors
Only major and Liberal Arts advisors can take action on course transactions, but all advisors are alerted to student changes and can view their students' information.
- Backup Advisors
If the Liberal Arts or major advisor will be unavailable to perform their advising duties, they can assign a backup advisor via WesPortal. If an advisor needs assistance with a backup advisor or with reassigning an advisor to a student, Liberal Arts advisors should contact Academic Affairs and major advisors should work with their academic department.
- Student Schedule Confirmation
Students can begin confirming their schedule on the first day of drop/add. Once they have confirmed their schedules, they will not be able to take further action in drop/add, and instructors can no longer approve pending drop/add requests. Students have the ability to “un-confirm” their schedules should the need arise. Students who fail to confirm their schedules will not be able to participate in the next semester’s Pre-Registration planning.
- Registration Helpline
The registration help line will be open each semester from the time that the drop/add system opens until it ends, during normal business hours, Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm. The phone number of the registration help line is x3222, or (860) 685-3222, if you are dialing from off-campus. You will be able to leave a message after hours.
You are also welcome to send an email to registrar@wesleyan.edu.