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Join WesConnect to strengthen your Wesleyan community. Share news, keep up with events, reconnect with classmates, post career opportunities, and more.

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  • Your WesPortal username and password, or
  • Sign-in through your LinkedIn, Google, or Facebook account.

Having trouble signing in or can't remember your WesPortal credentials? Email us at

Wesleyan University maintains WesConnect, the alumni and student online community for the purposes of facilitating interaction between alumni and students. We ask that users refrain from using personal contact information made available through WesConnect for any commercial, political, or advocacy-related purposes; solicitation is strictly prohibited.

Wesleyan University reserves the right to determine whether the use or misuse of information obtained through WesConnect by any person or group is in violation of our policy. Wesleyan reserves the right to bar access to the directory by any such person or group and to take appropriate action without notice.