Class of 1976
Welcome! This page will give you all the news you need to know about our upcoming 50th Reunion May 21–24, 2026. Here you’ll find out about upcoming events, whom to contact to get involved and where to send your updates for our class book. Keep coming back to check for updated news and tell us where you are—we want to see you back in Middletown in 2026!
Email inquiries here.
Join Us
Check back here for future events leading up to Reunion Weekend.
Committee Members
Please join us and be part of the planning process.
- Barbara Birney
- Laurel Cantor
- Elisa Serling Davis
- Marjorie Dauster
- Michael Donnella
- David Harmin
- Karen Harmin
- Byron Haskins
- Seth Lerer
- Alan Miller
- Debra Neuman
- Barbara Strauss
Your Contact Information
Be sure to update your contact information so that your classmates can get in touch.
As you reflect on your past, please make a gift to support current and future Wesleyan students.
Class Notes
Please send new notes to the Class Secretary:
Karen Harmin
Staff Contacts
Mandy Broulik
Associate Director of Annual Giving/50th Reunion Liaison
(860) 685-4840
Kate Quigley Lynch ’82, MALS ’20, P’17, ’19
Associate Director of Gift Planning/50th Reunion Liaison
(860) 685-5992