Wesleyan strives to reduce transportation-generated carbon emissions and other pollutants. There are lots of transportation options, whether you're looking to catch a ride home, carpool to work, ride a bike, or take public transportation (bus from campus and train from Meriden). The River Valley Transit 590 bus gets you to or from Meriden train station in less than 20 minutes!
We've developed a calculator to measure your transportation carbon footprint based on different modes of transportation. Wesleyan's carbon offsets program offsets 100% of emissions from Wesleyan- and grant-funded air travel. More information is available on the carbon offsets page.
We're working to combat idling with an anti-idling factsheet and a handout to share with visitors.
What We've Done
- Planning
- With permission of a supervisor, employees can establish condensed or alternate work-week schedules to reduce commuting.
- The Rental Housing Program, Advanced Purchase Program, and Mortgage Incentive Program encourage faculty and staff to live close to campus.
- Students pay an annual vehicle registration fee of $175 ($100 for one semester).
- Alternative Transportation
See the transportation options page for more detail.
- University Travel
- A policy requires that all Wesleyan fleet vehicle purchases must be low emission vehicles (gas-electric hybrids, electric vehicles, or alternative fuel vehicles), unless a viable alternative is not available.
- In October 2017, Wesleyan established an anti-idling policy for campus vehicles and visitors. Part of this policy's implementation is to dispel common myths around idling.
- Many classrooms and reservable conference rooms are equipped with cameras and microphones to facilitate videoconferencing. Wesleyan uses Zoom for videoconferencing; Zoom Pro licenses are available through ITS Service Now requests.
- A carbon footprint analysis for different modes of travel was created and publicized. See the Wesleyan travel carbon footprint calculator (Excel spreadsheet)
Melissa DiMarco, Transportation and Fleet Operations Manager