The Office of Graduate Student Services (OGSS) is open Monday - Friday, 8:30am – 4:45pm.

Current students: Email if you need assistance or would like to schedule an appointment.

Prospective students: Email if you need assistance or have questions. 

Course Registration

Pre-Registration for Classes

Pre-Registration takes place during November and April for the subsequent semester for students who are on-campus and returning from non-resident study and leave. Pre-Registration during January and August, just prior to the start of classes, involves new students and students returning from a leave of absence who were not eligible for the previous pre-registration period.  Students may then continue to adjust their course schedules during the in-semester drop/add period. Additional information regarding pre-registration is available from the Office of the Registrar

On-Campus Enrollment in the University

At the beginning of each semester, Graduate students must enroll in the University from an on-campus computer. It is recommended that when enrolling, students check and update emergency contact and address information. Emergency contact information must include name of contact, relationship to the student, and telephone number. 

If a student is unable to return to campus to enroll before the enrollment deadline, the student must contact the Office of Graduate Student Services. 

Students whose status will be ABD-Enrolled (enrolled in Advanced Research), ABD-FIELD (conducting research in the field) or ABD-NOT (not enrolled in Advanced Research) are processed by the Office of Graduate Student Services in conjunction with the student’s faculty advisor.

Registration for Classes

After successful enrollment in the University, graduate students may register for courses during the drop/add period. This is completed online via the student’s Wesleyan portal.

Registration -- Students may access Drop/Add through the Wesleyan portal from any computer (on or off campus).  For Drop/Add opening and closing dates, see the university Academic Calendar.

Graduate students who are unable to register for a course or tutorial before the end of the drop/add period must file a petition form. Students wishing to add a course other than Advanced Research Tutorials should use the Grad Petition form.  Students wishing to add Advanced Research Tutorial should use both the Grad Petition form and the Late Tutorial form. Links to Petition forms are below.  

All degree-seeking graduate students are required to register for at least one credit in each semester that they are enrolled in the university. This course is typically Graduate Advanced Research(549/550) which represents research for the thesis/dissertation.  


The times and locations of classes may be found at WesMaps. The course number indicates the general character and level of the course, with graduate-level courses generally numbered 500. Odd-numbered courses are generally offered in the first semester, even-numbered courses in the second semester.  Please note that Advanced Research and Selected Topics are listed under Tutorials not Courses.
