The Office of Graduate Student Services (OGSS) is open Monday - Friday, 8:30am – 4:45pm.

Current students: Email if you need assistance or would like to schedule an appointment.

Prospective students: Email if you need assistance or have questions. 

Financial Support

Financial Support for Students in the PhD and Two-year MA Programs

Most full-time PhD students and students in the two-year MA programs receive a stipend for assistantships or fellowships. The duties of graduate students on stipend vary by department and generally involve assistance in some phase of instruction and/or research.

Tuition remission is included in the graduate student’s financial package.

Wesleyan University requires all students to maintain health insurance and contributes two-thirds of the insurance fee for graduate students that receive a stipend toward a Wesleyan-offered health insurance plan. 

A limited number of dependency allowances are available for graduate students whose sole income is a graduate stipend and whose dependents reside full time with the graduate student.  Interested graduate students must submit an application after arrival on campus to be considered for this support.

Stipend payments for new graduate students begin on Sep 1 and continue through May 31. 
Stipend payments for continuing graduate setudents begin on Jun 1 and continue through May 31.

Graduate students are required to complete tax forms W-4 and CT W-4 and employment form I-9 in order to receive payment. The Office of Graduate Student Services will administer these forms during New Student Orientation. International Students must make an appointment to discuss tax status with Christine Rodrigue, Tax Specialist in Finance and Administration.  She can be contacted by email at . Stipend payments will be withheld until all tax and employment forms are complete.

Dependency allowance applications are available in the Office of Graduate Student Services. If approved, payments are distributed on the first pay period of each month.

Financial support for students in the one-year BA/MA program includes tuition remission for two semesters  of post-BA work.


Stipend Amounts 2024-2025


Monthly Stipend

9-Month Total (Sep 1 - May 31)

12-Month Total    (Jun 1 – May 31)

Science/Math, PhD/MA


$ 32,382


Music PhD

$ 3,058

$ 27,522

$ 36,696

Music MA

$ 2,568

$ 23,112

$ 30,816