Inn at Middletown
Reservation Request Policies and Procedures
The following are procedures for making a reservation at the Inn at Middletown using your JP Morgan PCard, the University’s preferred method of payment.
1. Initial payment set-up requires the cardholder to contact the Inn at Middletown and provide PCard account information. Once this information is provided to the Inn, all subsequent reservations on the card will not require this step.
2. Complete the Inn at Middletown Reservation Request, providing cardholder name and last 4 digits of card number, expiration date and email the form as an attachment to Be sure to include the name and email address where the final paid invoice should be emailed to.
3. (NEW) We encourage online reservations and use promotion code WESU.
4. (NEW) Itemized receipts for meals are now required.
5. If there are vacancies at the Inn, the cardholder will receive an email notification from the Inn with a confirmation number within 24 hours. If the cardholder does not receive an email, or if a cancellation or amendment to the reservation is necessary, contact the Inn directly.
6. The Inn will email a final itemized invoice to the University Department after guest departure date. Upon receipt of invoice, the cardholder should verify appropriate charges were applied, excluding taxes. Retain this invoice and submit with the monthly PCard statement as documentation of charge.
7. For meetings and events and for reservations of more than 5 rooms, contact Brent Thomsen at the Inn.
Inn at Middletown Contact
70 Main Street
Middletown, CT 06457
(860) 854-6300
For Reservations:
Jennifer Strickland
Director of Finance
Brent Thomsen
Director of Sales and Marketing
(860) 854-6316
Olga Maxwell
Front Office Manager
(860) 854-6314
Wesleyan University Contact
Accounts Payable
PCard Administrator