Facilities and Equipment 

Wesleyan University

For more than 150 years Wesleyan University has been identified with the highest aspirations and achievements of private liberal arts higher education. Wesleyan's commitment to the sciences dates from the founding of the University, when natural sciences and modern languages were placed on an equal footing with traditional classical studies. In order to maintain and strengthen this commitment, graduate programs leading to the Ph.D. degree in the sciences were established in the late 1960's. The program in chemistry was designed to be small, distinctive, and personal, emphasizing research, acquisition of a broad knowledge of advanced chemistry and creative thinking.

The Location of the Chemistry Department

Middletown is a small city on the west bank of the Connecticut River, 15 miles south of Hartford, the state capital. New Haven is 24 miles to the southwest; New York City and Boston are two hours away by automobile. Middletown's population of 50,000 is spread over an area of 43 square miles, much of which is rural. Although Wesleyan is the primary source of cultural activity in Middletown, the city is not a "college town" but serves as a busy commercial center for the region between Hartford and the coast. Water sports, skiing, hiking, and other outdoor activities can be enjoyed in the hills, lakes, and river nearby. The Chemistry department is located in the Hall-Atwater Laboratory situated between Church St. and Lawn Avenue. 

Chemistry Department Facilities

The Chemistry Department is housed in an air-conditioned building, sharing space with the Departments of Biology and Molecular Biology & Biochemistry. Major items of equipment include the following:

Agilent MR400 400 MHz two-channel PFG NMR
Varian Inova 500 MHz three-channel Z-axis PFG NMR
Sciex API 5000 triple-quad MS with Shimadzu Nexera HPLC
Agilent 6890 GC/5973 (GC/MS)
Horiba SZ-100-Z2 Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS)
Agilent 5977B Turbo with Autosampler (GC/MS)
Agilent 55B Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS5 FT-IR spectrometer with ATR accessory
TA Instruments HR30 rheometer
Innovative Tech SYS1-2GB glovebox
Hitachi SU5000 FE-Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
Leica SP8 Confocal Microscope
Molecular Devices SpectraMax M5 plate reader
Jasco 810 circular dichroism spectrometer
Horiba Fluoromax 4 and Fluoromax plus with Quanta-Phi2 integrating sphere
Malvern Microcal VP-ITC Isothermal Titration Microcalorimeter
Nanodrop UV-Vis spectrophotometer
Waters SQdetector2 quadrupole Mass spectrometer with Acquity UPLC (LC/MS)
Thermo Varioskan Lux multimode microplate reader
Mettler Toledo UV5 spectrophotometer with cuveT temperature controller (UV/VIS)
Anton Paar MCP 100 Polarimeter
Agilent Cary 8454 UV-VIS


Science Library

An outstanding advantage of Wesleyan is the Science Library. There is an excellent collection of periodical in all sciences housed together in one large library with excellent accommodations for study and research. There are subscriptions to more than 300 current periodicals and reviews in chemistry and biochemistry.

Library Homepage