At The Allbritton Center for the Study of Public Life, our mission is to cultivate a dynamic community committed to the exploration, understanding, and advancement of public life. We embrace civic engagement as a core value, inspiring individuals to become active participants in shaping their communities and the world at large.
Through interdisciplinary research, innovative teaching, leadership experiences, and meaningful partnerships, we promote a culture of informed dialogue, ethical leadership, and social responsibility. We believe in the power of collaboration across academic disciplines, sectors, and backgrounds to address complex societal challenges and nurture positive change.
Our commitment to civic engagement extends beyond the classroom to embrace experiential learning, community-based partnerships, and entrepreneurial efforts that empower individuals to make a difference. By cultivating critical thinking, empathy, and a deep sense of civic responsibility, we prepare students to become informed, engaged citizens confronting pressing issues, championing justice, and contributing to the common good.
We envision a future where every member of society participates fully in public life, where diverse voices are valued, and where community building leads to positive social transformation.  We equip students with the tools of engaged citizenship; engage in collective problem solving to enhance impact; and elevate the exploration, understanding, and advancement of public life locally, nationally, and globally.

Click here for Allbritton Fall Events Calendar!


New! Submit a proposal to the 2024/25 Political Engagement Fund!


Civic Action Plan

Civic Action Plan