Research Networks
The Allbritton Center for the Study of Public Life
Call for Proposals for Research Networks
Fall due date: Friday, October 4, 2024, 5pm
Spring due date: Monday, February 17, 2025, midnightThe Allbritton Center is now inviting proposals for Research Networks.
Description: ACSPL Research Networks are a funding source to encourage faculty to work together over longer periods of time on shared intellectual interests. In the 2024-2025 academic year two Research Networks will receive up to $4,000 to further faculty collaboration, especially across departmental lines. Research Networks should include at least two faculty members from two different departments.
Individual Research Networks will have different ideas about how funding might be most helpful to furthering collaboration, but proposals should include plans to meet at least three times over the course of the academic year (more frequent meetings are acceptable and encouraged). The vision of the Research Networks is not to sponsor a “one-off” event, but rather to trigger more lasting collaboration among faculty.
Applications: Applications should include a two-page description of the shared faculty interest and a budget indicating how the funding will be used and administered.
Please note, if the proposal falls within one of the following Allbritton Center focus areas: Reimagining Justice; Education and Youth Development; or Sustainability and Environmental Justice, we can help you connect to partners in the community and region doing vital work in these areas.
Please send proposals for Research Networks as one PDF attachment to Marie McKenna, ACSPL Administrative Assistant, at Please name the document: RN_leadfacultylastname_projecttitle.pdf.
If you have questions or need more information, please contact Robyn Autry, Faculty Director of the Allbritton Center for the Study of Public Life, at
September, 2024