
The Allbritton Center provides many opportunities for students to engage with the community, reflect and integrate their experiences into their coursework, and develop their social entrepreneurial skills.


A wide array of courses are offered through the Center for the Study of Public Life each semester. In addition, students can select from a range of Community-Engaged Learning courses across Wesleyan’s three academic divisions, organized through the Office of Community-Engaged Learning.

Community Service and Volunteerism

If you are interested in participating in volunteer work or earning work-study in the community, you can find resources and placements through the Office of Community Service.

Training in Social Entrepreneurship

Are you interested in developing a program, business, or organization that contributes to the public good? You can receive support, grants, and training through the Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship.

Civic Engagement Certificate

The Civic Engagement Minor allows you to integrate academic work in civic engagement with volunteer experiences and a community practicum.