Studying Abroad
A pinnacle of your undergraduate experience so be prepared!
Organized by Joel Miller '20
Study Abroad Requirements
- Department Requirements:
- CEAS and COL require study Abroad
- CSS strongly encourages study abroad
- View all departmental regulations on the Study Abroad website
- Language Requirements:
- Generally, if Wesleyan offers the language spoken in the country in which you wish to study abroad, you must have completed some coursework in that language before departing/applying
- View the Foreign Language Policy on the Study Abroad website
Study Abroad Tips
- Preparing
- If you think you may want to go abroad, start planning in your first semester!
- To study abroad in non-English-speaking countries whose language is taught at Wesleyan, students are required to reach a certain level in that language before going abroad
- For more information, see the Office of Study Abroad (OSA) website, and associated links
- Keep an eye out for due dates from both OSA and the programs you are interested in exploring!
While abroad
- You’re still in school! Your learning experience may be very different abroad, but the academic skills that you’ve developed at Wes will still be very applicable while you are away
- Peer advisors are available to abroad students
- The APAs can call, skype, and email you should you need assistance
- Time management is especially important abroad- getting help early on to establish a plan can ensure a successful semester
- Major and Faculty advisors are still YOUR advisors while abroad
- Email them to keep them updated!
- Classes must be approved by your advisors for the semester you return
- Be sure to check your email regularly! There are important announcement that you still need to be aware of (ie. University policy changes, ResLife announcements, and more)
- Keep in mind time changes with university deadlines
- If internet access will be in issue get in contact with the department prior to the deadline
Adjusting back
- Reverse culture shock exists
- Create a plan for returning to American daily life
- Wesleyan might feel overwhelming socially, academically and culturally so reach out to get the support you need
- Class deans, CAPS, Office of Religious and Spiritual Life, peer advisors, faculty advisors, study abroad office
- View a full list of student academic resources
- Talk about struggles you are facing with peers and other abroad students! More than likely you are not alone in the transition back. Get help early on to maximize success