Spring 2025
Psychology Poster Session
Thursday, April 24
11:40am - 1:20pm
Beckham Hall
Poster Making Workshop:
- Date to be confirmed
Poster Printing and Pick-up:
- Poster files from non-thesis students must be emailed by 9AM on Tuesday, April 15, to Jennifer Platt, manager of Print Services, (x2132). Poster files from thesis students (BA and BA/MA) must be emailed by 9AM on Thursday, April 17 to Jennifer Platt.
- Students must pick up their posters from Jennifer Platt, Exley Science Center Rm. 116, starting Thursday afternoon and no later than Friday noon.
- The department will pay for posters submitted by Jen’s deadline (9am, April 16)
- The department will not pay for posters that have to be reprinted. Check your work!
Poster Session:
- Students will bring their posters to the poster session and set them up on any easel.
- After the poster session, students may take their posters. Students should check with their adviser/instructor if they wish to keep the poster.
Poster Design and Submission:
- Psychology Specific Formatting:
- All students must include their title and adviser’s or instructor's name at the top of their poster.
- All students must include the Wesleyan mark (logo) on their posters: Templates can be found at
- Posters must be 40″ wide and 30″ high. A poster submitted larger or smaller than these measurements will be automatically resized. This may affect the outcome of the poster, so please be attentive.
- All students should have a final review of their poster with their adviser/instructor at least two days before deadline. A suggestion is to send a snap shot of the poster to faculty, especially for redos.
- All files must be submitted as a pdf or tiff. Powerpoint files will not be accepted.
- Guidelines on Poster Design and Submission:
- Link to Poster Resources for detailed instructions on creating and submitting the final poster.
- Link to a powerpoint poster template.
- View Posters from Previous Years:
Click on either a student or faculty name, then scroll down to see students posters - Poster Session in 2023
- Poster Session in 2022
- Poster Session in 2021