Colloquium Series

Colloquium Series 2024 - 2025

FEB 27  R Colloquium Speaker:  Gary Giumetti, Quinnipiac College
"The impact of interpersonal mistreatment in the workplace on health and performance"
12:00-1:00PM, Judd 116
MARCH 27  R Colloquium Speaker: Danya Keene, Yale School of Medicine
"The Affordable Rental Housing Crisis and Population Health Equity"
12:00-1:00PM, Judd 116
APRIL 16  W Colloquium Speaker: Elianny Edwards, Holy Cross
"School Safety and the Dubioius Role of Police"
Sponsored by College of Education Studies
4:30PM, PAC001
Zoom link:

Colloquium Series 2023 - 2024

OCTOBER 3  T Jean Berko Gleason, Boston University (12:00 - 1:00pm), Judd 113 and Virtual
"The Wug Test at 65: What Have We Learned?"
Zoom Link:
NOVEMBER 7  T Kristin Lieb, Emerson College (12:00 - 1:00pm), Judd 116
"Competitive Vulnerability: The Emotional Stripping of Women Pop Stars in the Modern Music Industry"
NOVEMBER 28  T Angela Gutchess, Brandeis University (12:00 - 1:00pm), Judd 116
"How Do Culture and Age Affect Memory"
February 29  R Erin Godfry, New York University, Institute of Human Development (12:00-1:00pm), Judd 116
"Exploring How Young People Come to Understand, Justify or Reject Systems of Oppression"
April 11 R Julia Leonard, Yale University (12:00 - 1:00pm), Judd116
"How Children Decide What's Worth Their Effort"

 Colloquium Series 2022 - 2023

MARCH 6 M Lauren Mims, New York University, Steinhardt (12:20 - 1:10pm)
"Count it All Joy: Exploring How Black Parents Support their Children Through Play"
Judd 116
MARCH 28 T Sunil Bhatia, Connecticut College (12:00 - 1:00pm)
"Reflections on the Radical Possibilities of a Decolonial Psychology"
Judd 116
APRIL 13 R Ana Figueiredo, Universidad de O’Higgins, Chile (12:00 - 1:00pm)
"Postcolonial Ideologies and Reparation and Recognition Demands: The Mapuche in Chile"
Zoom Meeting:

Colloquium Virtual Series 2021-2022

FEBRUARY 10 Amanda Tarullo, Boston University (4:15-5:15pm)
"Poverty, Parenting and the Developing Brain"
Zoom meeting ID: 927 9283 4677
FEBRUARY 24 William Brady, Yale University (12:00-1:00pm)
"Moral Emotions in the Digital Age”
Zoom Meeting ID: 952 1138 7016 
MARCH 24 Jordan Starck, Stanford University (12:00-1:00pm)
Toward a Systematic Psychological Understanding of Bias: The Case of "Diversity" in Higher Education
Zoom Meeting ID: 990 7996 9605

Colloquium Series 2019-2020

FEBRUARY 26 Lisa Rosenthal, Pace University in New York City, "Psychology for Social Justice: Radicalizing our Work with Intersectionality"
MARCH 23 William Brady, Yale University, "Moral Outrage in the Digital Age"  (cancelled)
APRIL 2 Andrew Shtulman, Occidental College, "Ghosts of Theories Past: How Intuitive Theories Compete with the Scientific Theories That "Replace" Them    (cancelled)

Colloquium Series 2018-2019

OCTOBER 4 (R) Mary A. Carskadon, Brown University, "Adolescent Challenges: The Role of Sleep Timing"
NOVEMBER 29 (R) Mark Hoffarth, New York University, “The Psychology of Heterosexism“
FEBRUARY 25 (M) James C. Kaufman, University of Connecticut
MARCH 28 (R) Crystal Park, University of Connecticut, "Creating and Maintaining Meaning as Keys to Stress Resilience"