Colloquium Series
Colloquium Series 2024 - 2025
Dates |
FEB 27 R | Colloquium Speaker: Gary Giumetti, Quinnipiac College "The impact of interpersonal mistreatment in the workplace on health and performance" 12:00-1:00PM, Judd 116 |
MARCH 27 R | Colloquium Speaker: Danya Keene, Yale School of Medicine "The Affordable Rental Housing Crisis and Population Health Equity" 12:00-1:00PM, Judd 116 |
APRIL 16 W | Colloquium Speaker: Elianny Edwards, Holy Cross "School Safety and the Dubioius Role of Police" Sponsored by College of Education Studies 4:30PM, PAC001 Zoom link: |
Colloquium Series 2023 - 2024
Dates |
OCTOBER 3 T | Jean Berko Gleason, Boston University (12:00 - 1:00pm), Judd 113 and Virtual "The Wug Test at 65: What Have We Learned?" Zoom Link: |
NOVEMBER 7 T | Kristin Lieb, Emerson College (12:00 - 1:00pm), Judd 116 "Competitive Vulnerability: The Emotional Stripping of Women Pop Stars in the Modern Music Industry" |
NOVEMBER 28 T | Angela Gutchess, Brandeis University (12:00 - 1:00pm), Judd 116 "How Do Culture and Age Affect Memory" |
February 29 R | Erin Godfry, New York University, Institute of Human Development (12:00-1:00pm), Judd 116 "Exploring How Young People Come to Understand, Justify or Reject Systems of Oppression" |
April 11 R | Julia Leonard, Yale University (12:00 - 1:00pm), Judd116 "How Children Decide What's Worth Their Effort" |
Colloquium Series 2022 - 2023
Dates |
MARCH 6 M | Lauren Mims, New York University, Steinhardt (12:20 - 1:10pm) "Count it All Joy: Exploring How Black Parents Support their Children Through Play" Judd 116 |
MARCH 28 T | Sunil Bhatia, Connecticut College (12:00 - 1:00pm) "Reflections on the Radical Possibilities of a Decolonial Psychology" Judd 116 |
APRIL 13 R | Ana Figueiredo, Universidad de O’Higgins, Chile (12:00 - 1:00pm) "Postcolonial Ideologies and Reparation and Recognition Demands: The Mapuche in Chile" Zoom Meeting: |
Colloquium Virtual Series 2021-2022
Dates |
FEBRUARY 10 | Amanda Tarullo, Boston University (4:15-5:15pm) "Poverty, Parenting and the Developing Brain" Zoom meeting ID: 927 9283 4677 |
FEBRUARY 24 | William Brady, Yale University (12:00-1:00pm) "Moral Emotions in the Digital Age” Zoom Meeting ID: 952 1138 7016 |
MARCH 24 | Jordan Starck, Stanford University (12:00-1:00pm) Toward a Systematic Psychological Understanding of Bias: The Case of "Diversity" in Higher Education Zoom Meeting ID: 990 7996 9605 |
Colloquium Series 2019-2020
Dates |
FEBRUARY 26 | Lisa Rosenthal, Pace University in New York City, "Psychology for Social Justice: Radicalizing our Work with Intersectionality" |
MARCH 23 | William Brady, Yale University, "Moral Outrage in the Digital Age" (cancelled) |
APRIL 2 | Andrew Shtulman, Occidental College, "Ghosts of Theories Past: How Intuitive Theories Compete with the Scientific Theories That "Replace" Them (cancelled) |
Colloquium Series 2018-2019
Dates |
OCTOBER 4 (R) | Mary A. Carskadon, Brown University, "Adolescent Challenges: The Role of Sleep Timing" |
NOVEMBER 29 (R) | Mark Hoffarth, New York University, “The Psychology of Heterosexism“ |
FEBRUARY 25 (M) | James C. Kaufman, University of Connecticut |
MARCH 28 (R) | Crystal Park, University of Connecticut, "Creating and Maintaining Meaning as Keys to Stress Resilience" |