Guide To Academic Affairs

Department Chairs

Elected by faculty for a two- or three-year term, Department (or College or Program) Chairs often rotate within units, though some serve longer. Chairs are the primary contact for most faculty needs and oversee curriculum planning, department (or college or program) meetings, event organization, budgeting, merit recommendations, faculty searches, and tenure and review processes.

Divisional Deans

Appointed typically for three-year terms, they serve as the primary contacts for Chairs within their divisions. They authorize faculty searches, interview and negotiate contracts for new hires, and recommend merit pay. They are not involved in tenure decisions.

Associate Provost for Budget and Personnel 

This role manages the entire Academic Affairs budget and oversees faculty personnel matters, including hiring, immigration, appointments, promotions, and merit.

Associate Provost for Curriculum and Strategic Initiatives

This position leads academic initiatives and policies, liberal arts (pre-major) advising, reaccreditation, new faculty orientation, and faculty communications.

Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs 

As the university’s top academic officer, the Provost & SVPAA works with the President and Board of Trustees to drive the university’s development. The Provost oversees the three divisional deans, two associate provosts, Olin Library, the Center for the Arts, Athletics, the Gordan Career Center, the Fries Center for Global Studies, and other academic units. The Academic Affairs support staff supports the Provost.