Sexual Assault

The Wesleyan Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)

The Wesleyan Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) was created to provide support for survivors of sexual violence.

The Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) is composed of Wesleyan staff who are trained to provide support and assistance to any student who is a survivor of sexual assault or other form of sexual violence. SART members work to increase the visibility of sexual violence prevention efforts and to create supportive spaces for survivors. SART members assist survivors in understanding their options for reporting, medical care, mental health care and address concerns related to housing and academics. SART prioritizes the emotional, physical, psychological and spiritual well-being of survivors in all of their interactions. SART works in collaboration with students, staff and faculty to create a community that is actively engaged in sexual violence prevention.

SART Members – Confidential Resources*

  • David Leipziger Teva, Chaplain, 860-685-2278
  • Sandy Frimel, Health Services, 860-685-2470
  • Emily Daponte, Health Services, 860-685-2470
  • Tracey Mehr-Muska, Chaplain, 860-685-2277
  • Jennifer D'Andrea, Counseling Center, 860-685-2910
  • Alysha B. Warren, Counseling Center, 860-685-2910
*    Protected members of the community who are not specifically trained as SART members also include all clinicians in the Davison Health Center, all therapists at the Counseling and Psychological Services Office, and all clergy members.

SART Members – Responsible Reporters

  • All class deans:
  • Louise Brown - 2017, 860-685-2758
  • Renee Johnson-Thornton - 2018, 860-685-2764
  • Jennifer Wood - 2019, 860-685-2774
  • David Phillips - 2020, 860-685-2765
  • Shona Kerr, Physical Education, 860-685-2444
  • Liliana Carrasquilo, Residential Life, 860-685-2204
  • Cheryl-Ann Hagner, Graduate Student Services, 860-685-2223
  • Joyce Walter, Health Services, 860-685-2656
  • Maureen Isleib, Residential Life, 860-685-3166
  • Lex Spirtes '17, SART Intern, 860-685-4673 (HOPE)
SART members will respect the privacy and confidentiality of the students with whom they work. It is in the best interest of the student to keep the number of people involved to a minimum. In instances where it is necessary to discuss the survivor’s situation with other members of the University community, the SART member will seek the student’s prior consent. The student’s name is not to be shared unless deemed necessary.