Sexual Assault

Contact Us

This is a non-emergency contact for information on sexual violence and SART. 

Lex Spirtes '17, the Sexual Assault Response Team intern, is available for consultation, conversations and program planning. Lex is a Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies major, but has spent much of her time at Wesleyan studying Computer Science. Outside of academics,she has stage managed various theater productions including the Shmagina Dialogues and two student-written shows. For the past two years, Lex has been a Photo Editor for the Argus.  Her goal as the SART intern this upcoming year is two-fold: to serve as an approachable and trusting liaison between staff and the student body as well as to improve awareness of available resources across communities within Wesleyan.

Lex's office is located in WesWell on the 1st floor of the Davison Health Center. She can be reached at 860-685-4673 (HOPE) or by email at

Alysha Warren, LPC, the Sexual Violence Resource Coordinator and Therapist is available for program planning and for counseling by appointment. She can be reached by email at

In an emergency you can contact:

Dial 911

Public Safety 860-685-3333
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) 860-685-2910
Women and Family Center 888-999-5545