Government Majors Committee

Government Majors Committee, 2024-2025


Adriana Begolli (2025) abegolli

I am a senior majoring in Government with a concentration in International Relations (Class of 2025). Alongside my Government courses, I also study French and take QAC classes. During my junior year at Wesleyan, I worked in Professor Dolan's International Organizations Lab and the Public Opinion and Polling Lab.  Over the past two summers, I interned at the International Rescue Committee (IRC), focusing on research and data analysis for the IRC's country programs. I have a strong interest in international organizations and humanitarian law, and I plan to go to law school after graduating from Wesleyan to continue exploring these passions. 

Sumreen Moughal (2025) smoughal

My name is Sumreen Moughal and I am a double major in Government (American Politics) and Education Studies. On campus, I work with the Office of Student Involvement and I am on the Community Standards Board. Outside of Wesleyan, I plan on becoming involved in the Democratic Town Committee of my hometown, Waterbury. Last spring, I was a Congressional Intern at U.S. Senator Chris Murphy's Office in Hartford, working with Senator Murphy's team in delegating constituent issues. This past summer, I was a Law Firm Summer Intern at Carmody Torrance Sandak & Hennessey LLP. With the experiences I have fostered over the course of my educational journey, I plan on pursuing a career in shaping education policy.

Committee Members:

Julia Armeli (2025) jarmeli

I am a rising senior (class of 2025) pursuing the Government major (Comparative Politics concentration) and the Applied Data Science Certificate. I am also a QAC tutor, a research assistant for the Wesleyan Media Project, and a part of WMP’s Delta Lab. This past summer, I did research through the QAC Baker '64 Collabria fellowship on local news coverage of racism and racialized topics. This upcoming year, I will be working as a course assistant for Public Opinion and Polling Lab as well as a Data Visualization intern for the Indian Health Service, working on research regarding social determinants of health."

Izzy Bailey (2025) ibailey

My name is Izzy Bailey and I am a senior studying American Studies and Government with a concentration in American Politics. After a transformative summer volunteering with the D.C. chapter of the national non-profit organization, Girls Inc., I found my passion for public service and declared a double major in Government my junior fall. Outside of the classroom, I work as a research assistant for Dr. Alyx Mark, Head Resident with ResLife, and member of the American Studies Major Committee. I also sing with my acapella group, the Cardinal Sinners. Last Winter, I shadowed staff members on the Democratic Staff of the House Rules Committee, and more recently, this summer, I interned with the U.S. Department of Commerce in the Office of the Secretary. After Wesleyan, I aspire to continue working in the public service sector in D.C. before attending law school.

Violet Becker (2025) vbecker

I am a current senior at Wesleyan, concentrating in American Politics. I am especially interested in advocacy work, and this past summer I have been interning for Brad Lander's mayoral campaign in New York City. I look forward to continuing this internship into the school year and also writing my thesis on U.S. soft power in the Middle East. I am so appreciative of all my government professors and peers on this committee. 

Christian Boudreau (2025) caboudreau

My name is Christian Boudreau, a junior from Avon, Connecticut, majoring in Government (American Politics) and Psychology. In the summer, I interned for the Connecticut’s Office of the Attorney General. Additionally, I will be interning for Senator Murphy (CT) this upcoming fall. At Wesleyan, I am a member of the varsity baseball team, work as a research assistant for the Wesleyan Media Project, and am an ambassador for a nationally recognized non-profit: The Hidden Opponent. I do not have plans to study abroad during my undergraduate career, but do hope to conduct research abroad following my graduation from Wesleyan. Following this, I plan to attend law school.

Kate Briegel (2025) kbriegel

My name is Kate Briegel, and I am from northeastern Pennsylavnia. I am majoring in Government and Environmental Studies and minoring in Religion. On campus, I work for the Wesleyan Media Project and am on the swim team. I am also a board member on the Community Standards Board. This past summer I interned at an energy company working on the offshore wind commercial team, and I hope to pursue a career working at  utility company with renewables strategy or on a project team.

Peyton Brill (2026) pbrill

Peyton Brill, a junior, majoring in Government (American Politics focus) and Theater. Outside of the classroom, she is Marketing Manager as well as an actor in the student-run theater group, Spike Tape, and a part of both The Argus and Arcadia Political Review. Furthermore, she is a Tour Guide at the Office of Admissions and a Barista at Pi Café.

Milo Chamberlin (2026) mchamberlin

I am Milo Chamberlin, a rising junior, double-majoring in Environmental Studies and Government with a concentration in Political Theory. As a COE fellow this summer, I studied how the Los Angeles City Council's political patronage devalues community efforts to conserve the Mountain Lion. In the upcoming fall, I will study abroad in Tanzania and investigate the effect of democratic backsliding on the land rights of the Massai tribe. I am particularly interested in Foucalt’s theory of biopolitics which explores how political institutions, by manipulating people's bodies and behavior, also manipulate their minds. Through the framework of biopolitics, I hope to better understand how the global bourgeoisie constructs national identities and consumer cultures by erasing traditional indigenous knowledge. 

Sophie Fetter (2025) sfetter

My name is Sophie Fetter and I am a senior majoring in Psychology and Government (American Politics) with a minor in Religion. I am the President of the Wesleyan Debate Association and an Editor-in-chief at the Arcadia Political Review. I am interested in the interdisciplinary overlap between psychological states and political behavior. In that vein, I will be writing a senior thesis on how social trust relates to welfare attitudes.

Cecilia Briana Foldessy-Stiegemeier (2026) cfoldessystiegemeier

I am a junior majoring in Government (Comparative Politics). I am an international student from Hungary and plan to study abroad in Paris in the spring.

Isabella Hosey (2025) ihosey

I am a junior majoring in Government (Comparative Politics). I am also double majoring in Anthropology with a concentration on local distinctions and global connections. Outside of class, I work as a research assistant in the Environmental Archaeology Lab. In my free time, I am a junior captain of Wesleyan's Club Volleyball team and an instructor in my dance club. This past summer I worked as a Justice Division Intern with the ACLU, where I worked on projects centered around criminal justice reform and drafted reports on the death penalty in the US that will be published sometime in the fall. My goal after graduating is to attend law school in hopes of becoming a public interest lawyer working specifically in civil rights advocacy. 

Eloise Gilbert Bartell (2025) egilbertbart

My name is Eloise Gilbert Bartell and I am majoring in Government (American Politics) and Economics with a minor in Environmental Studies. I am a member of Wesleyan’s club soccer and club tennis teams. I am really interested in pursuing a career in public policy or doing environmental/sustainability work after I graduate. I am studying abroad in Madrid this fall semester. 

 Jack Johnston (2025) jjohnston

My name is Jack Johnston and I am a senior majoring in Government (Comparative Politics) and College of East Asian Studies (CEAS). In my time at Wesleyan, I have worked as a research assistant for Professor Haddad, served as the Chair of the WSA's Academic Affairs Committee and the Director of the Wesleyan Textbook Exchange Program, and as HM of Farm House and German Haus. This past summer, I interned with Freeport-McMoRan's Government Relations team in Washington, D.C., advocating for sustainable mining practices and mineral criticality. I studied abroad at Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan in the Spring. After graduation, I intend to work on Capitol Hill.

Danni Lewis (2026) dmlewis

My name is Danni Lewis and I am a junior concentrating in American Politics. This summer I worked with Fenton Communications on pitching and media outreach for the Annie E. Casey Foundation. As a part of this role, I facilitated interviews with news outlets and researchers. In 2023 I worked as a Development intern at the Harlem Children's Zone and focused on nonprofit outreach and funding. I am studying abroad this fall at University College London, in the political science department.

Katherine LoCasacio (2026) klocascio

My name is Katherine LoCascio and I am a rising junior (Class of 2026). I am pursuing majors in History, Psychology, and Government with an American Politics concentration. In the spring, I will be going abroad to Greece with the College Year Athens program. I work with the Wesleyan Media Project and the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life. This past summer, I was a legislative intern in Congressman Eric Swalwell's D.C. office, where I found a passion for researching legislation and writing policy recommendations. I am a co-president of Wesleyan's Outing Club and am involved in WesACLU. After graduation, I plan to return to Capitol Hill and eventually pursue a law degree. 

AnnaBelle Medina (2025) amedina

I am a senior majoring in Government with a concentration in American Politics and Education Studies. During my sophomore year, I served as a community engagement and policy intern for Councilmembers Josh Michtom and Tiana Hercules at the Hartford City Council. Last summer, I worked as a research assistant for Professor Dancey, as well as a research assistant for Professor Mark. At Wesleyan, I have worked in the Public Opinion and Polling Lab at Wesleyan since my junior year, and also work on campus at Red and Black Cafe! Following graduation, I plan to attend law school, where I hope to further pursue my interest in constitutional law.

Oona Meier (2026) omeier

I am Oona Meier from Brooklyn, New York. I am a junior and majoing in Philosophy and Government with a concentration is in Comparative Politics. In exploring the Government major, by taking classes in each concentration, I have found some of the most inspiring professors and peers. I am excited to develop my Comparative Politics studies at Wesleyan this year, and as I study abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark, in the spring.

A.J. Minzer (2025) aminzer

My name is A.J., I'm a rising senior ('25) majoring in Religion, Government and minoring in History. I am yet to select my concentration, but it will likely be International Relations. I studies at the University of Cambridge at Pembroke College in their HSPS (Human, Social, and Political Science) and TRPR (Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion) programs. 

Over the past two summers I've worked as a Research Assistant for the Wesleyan Media Project, and as a management intern for a small person-to-person peacebuilding nonprofit in Washington DC. On campus I'm the Historian of the Alpha Delta Phi Literary Society, a founding member and Archivist of the Spike Tape Theater Company and a writer for several on campus publications (largely the Arcadia Political Review and the Argus).

 Riya Patel (2026) rpatel

My name is Riya Patel and I am a rising junior at Wesleyan University. I am double majoring in Government (with a concentration in American Politics) and Psychology. This past summer, I interned with Sewa International's South Jersey Chapter, focusing on community outreach, event planning, and fundraising initiatives. At Wesleyan, I’m an active member of Shakti, the South Asian student association, as well as Cardinal Kids, Traverse Square, and Food Rescue. This fall, I’m excited to further my studies in both Government and Psychology by studying abroad in Copenhagen through the DIS Program. I am particularly looking forward to discovering how the intersection of these two disciplines fuels my passions for mental health advocacy, political psychology, criminal justice, and policy analysis.

Sofie Reitema (2026) sreitema

My name is Sofie Reitema, and I am a junior majoring in Government (International Relations). I am also majoring in Economics and minoring in Data Analysis. This past summer, I interned at a local bank, Northern Credit Union, supporting their Owner Solutions team and learning about the world of banking. I’ve previously interned with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, where I was able to learn about inter-governmental operations and helped support the completion of various reports. This spring, I plan to study abroad in London, England where I am excited to further my studies in international relations. At Wesleyan, I work with the University Network for Human Rights as a GIS assistant. I have a passion for international law and politics, which makes me excited about the opportunity to take more international relations classes at Wesleyan and abroad in the Spring.

Cecilia Smith (2025) Cpsmith

My name is Cecilia, and I am a double major in American Government and Economics with a minor in Data Analysis. Outside of traditional coursework, I have been involved with research through the Wesleyan Media Project, the Public Opinion and Polling Lab, and Professor Dolan's International Organizations Lab. I also had the opportunity to study in the Czech Republic over Spring 2023, which led me to attend a foreign policy conference held by the John Quincy Adams Society this summer. While I have many interests across the government discipline, I am primarily drawn to the intersection of political science and economics, especially as it pertains to inequality, political influence, and political mobilization. 

Mallika Srinivas (2025) msrinivas

I'm Mallika Srinivas, and I am a rising junior at Wesleyan. I am pursuing a Government and Spanish double major with a Data Analysis minor. Specifically, I plan to pursue the Comparative concentration. On campus, I am involved with Shakti, Wesleyan's South Asian organization. I also write for the Arcadia Political Journal. 

Ilaria Valentini (2025) ivalentini

My name is Ilaria Valentini (class of 2025) and I'm a rising junior double majoring in Government with a concentration in International Relations and Economics. I'm a member of the Swimming and Diving team, Women in Finance, and have worked as a research assistant for Professor Haddad. I recently studied abroad at the University of Amsterdam this past semester and spent a few weeks of the summer traveling Europe.