Government Department Events
Does the Future of Work Mean Less Work? The Movement for a Four Day Week.
Thursday, 2/27, 11:50 AM -1:10 PM, FCPA 001
Juliet Schor, an alum, economist, sociology professor, and best-selling author of The Overworked American, The Overspent American, Plenitude, Born to Buy, After the Gig, and True Wealth, will talk about her research. This event will take place on Thursday, February 27, 11:50 AM - 1:00 PM, in the Frank Center room 001. Lunch is provided.
Changes at USAID And Their Implications
Thursday 2/27, 4:30 PM, FCPA 001
Eric Postel '77, former Senior Advisor to the Administrator at the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), will join via Zoom to discuss the recent changes at USAID and their impact. The event will be moderated by Lindsay Dolan, Assistant Professor of Government.
Coffee and Conversation with Chief Justice David Thomson '91 of the New Mexico Supreme Court
Monday 4/21, 4:30-5:45 PM, FCPA 101
Chief Justice Thomson '91 serves on the New Mexico Supreme Court and has undergraduate degrees in both Economics and Government. Lear more about his journey from Wesleyan to the bench over coffee!
Pizza with a Professor
Learn about a faculty member's research and, teaching philosophies, and journey to become a professor. Pizza with a Professor is a wonderful way to get to know faculty outside the classroom over pizza. New dates will be added.