Past Events

Conversation with a Hartford Teacher February 25, 25 poster

Craig Miller Fireside Chat February 25, 25 poster

Jeff Lidz Linguistic Talk poster February 25, 2025

February 20 at 12 CES House Thesis Information Session

Education Workshop Series Tuesdays in February poster

Casey Stockstill Colloquium poster


 Adam Wolfsdorf Fireside Chat poster

Field trip to apple picking poster

Neighborhood Trick or Treat poster

CES Book Talk with Sam Stiegler

CES Open House poster

Sarah Jacobson talk 10/15 poster

Jenny Zapf Fireside Chat


CES Senior Lunch poster


Friday, May 24, 2024 2:00- 4:00 pm

164 Mt. Vernon Street

Academic Open House-Senior and Alumni Reception

Celebrate the College of Education Studies Class of 2024! Meet Education Studies faculty and students and tour the CES House!

Alumni are invited to spend some time with our graduating seniors and their families to informally share their educational experiences with one another!

Light Food will be served.

image of 164 Mt Vernon St.


CES Game session poster


Future Focus Poster



Trust Me Documentary Screening



Senior Thesis Celebration 



LJ Slovin Colloquium Poster



Laura Wolf-Powers poster



Tadashi Dozono Flyer



Welcome to the New World poster



Taste of Language poster



CES Open House poster



Matthew Kraft Colloquium poster


Monday, September 11, 2023

12:15 in Usdan 110

Nick Mitchell, Associate Professor of Critical Race Theory and Ethnic Studies at UC Santa Cruz will give a lecture entitled "The University in Surplus Perspective, 1945-1965." Sponsored by the Sociology Department and co-sponsored by the College of Education Studies.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

12:00-2:00 pm, 164 Mount Vernon St.

Academic Open House- Senior and Alumni Reception

Celebrate the College of Education Studies class of 2023! Meet Education Studies faculty and students and tour our still new CES House!

Alumni are invited to spend some time with our graduating seniors and informally share their education experiences with one another! 

Light food and drink will be served.

College of Education House photo


Wednesday, April 26, 2023

12:00-1:00 in Fries Center, Fisk 201- Lunch served

Miriam Thangaraj


Thursday, April 6, 2023

4:30 pm in Fisk 302

Amelia Herbert Poster


Thursday, April 6, 2023

12:00-1:00 pm in Fries Center, Fisk 201- Lunch served

Alex Allweiss poster


Wednesday, March 29, 2023

12:00-1:00 pm in Fries Center, Fisk 201- Lunch served

Mamadou Ly flyer


Wednesday, March 8, 2023

12:00-1:00 pm in Fries Center, Fisk 201-Lunch served

Fabrice Looky flyer


Thursday, March 2, 2023

12:00 - 1:00 pm at College of Education Studies, 164 Mt. Vernon St. -Lunch served

Careers in Children's and Education Media


Wednesday, March 1, 2023

12:00 - 1:00 pm in Fries Center, Fisk 201-Lunch served

Nancy Kendal flyer

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

12:00 - 1:00 pm in Fries Center, Fisk 201-Lunch served


Wednesday, February 15, 2023

4:30 -5:30 pm in the Fries Center, Fisk 201- Lunch will be served



Tuesday, November 29, 2022

4:30 - 5:30 pm in Downey House, Room 113



Dr. Jenkins is an activist and urban scholar whose work considers the intersections of race, space, and policy. His research focuses on the influence of spatial, social, and political factors that foster and exacerbate inequalities for Black populations, as well as the approaches that school leaders take to disrupt and transform these dynamics. His interdisciplinary approach to tackling complex and challenging racial equity problems in schools is informed by Black critical theory, critical spatial theory, Black geographies, critical policy studies, and justice-oriented leadership frameworks. Consistent throughout his research are practical solutions for school leaders and policymakers.

He recently received a research grant from the Spencer Foundation to examine how urban school systems respond to policy changes that divest and disinvest from law enforcement on school campuses. His research program draws from his previous professional experience working in urban schools and local and state policy and advocacy.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

12:00 - 1:00 pm at 164 Mt. Vernon, College of Education Studies House

College of Education Studies Thesis Student Presentations 

Students who are writing a thesis in the College of Education Studies invite everyone to come and hear about their exciting work.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

4:30 - 5:30 pm at Downey House, Room 113



Reunion & Commencement Weekend Events at 164 Mt Vernon Street

May 20, 2022

4:00 - 5:30 pm

Round Table Discussion

We are looking for alumni doing exciting work in the field of education as thought partners in the development of the College. Join members of the new College of Education Studies to imagine the future of the College! Please arrive at 4 PM to participate in this event.

5:30 - 6:30 pm

Open House & Reception

Stay after the Round Table, or come when you can, to warm up the new home of Education Studies at Wesleyan! We would love to meet you, say hello, and toast the successful launch of the College. Drop-ins welcome.

May 21, 2022

2:00 - 4:00 pm

Academic Open House

Celebrate the class of 2022, meet Education Studies faculty and students and tour the new home of the CES! Light food and drink will be served.


April 18, 2022, 4:15 pm

Hospicing the University

Dr. Sandy Grande

Zoom registration is required to view the live stream. Click here to register.


April 6, 2022, 4:15 PM

Haunting & Learning Analytics

Dr. Ezekiel Dixon-Román

Zoom Registration Required

March 24, 2022, 4:15 PM

The Twisted Histories of U.S. Schools and Prisons

Dr. Judith Kafka

Zoom registration is required to view the live stream. Click here to register.

Judith Kafka Poster

December 2, 2021, 7:00 pm

Transforming Our World Through Games

Dr. Kat Schrier and Dr. Matthew Farber

Zoom Registration Required

Games can have a powerful impact on learning–but there are limitations. In this conversation, Dr. Kat Schrier and Dr. Matthew Farber will explore how play may (and may not) help inspire learning, care, and social change. The two games experts will also share a roadmap for creating a more equitable, just, and caring world with gaming. This event will be held on Zoom.

Dr. Kat Schrier will discuss insights from her new book, WE THE GAMERS and how we can use games to teach ethics, civics, & compassion. 

Dr. Matthew Farber will share ideas from his new book, GAMING SEL, which explores how games support social and emotional learning and skills like resiliency and perspective-taking.

Karen “Kat” Schrier (she/they) is a game designer, producer, and educator. She is Associate Professor and Director of the Games & Emerging Media program at Marist College, where she researches games for learning, inclusion, and compassion. She also currently consults as a Game Designer for the World Health Organization (WHO) and is co-PI on a Templeton Foundation Grant on VR and empathy. Previously, she was a Belfer Fellow for the Center for Technology & Society at the ADL. Prior to becoming a full-time academic, she worked at Scholastic, BrainPOP, and Nickelodeon. Dr. Schrier is the author/editor of over 100 published works, including We the Gamers: How Games Teach Ethics and Civics (Oxford University Press), the Learning, Education & Games series (ETC Press/Carnegie Mellon), and Knowledge Games (Johns Hopkins University Press). She holds a doctorate from Columbia University, a master’s degree from MIT, and a bachelor’s degree from Amherst College.

Matthew Farber, Ed.D., is an assistant professor at the University of Northern Colorado, where he founded the Gaming SEL Lab. He has been invited to the White House, authored several books and papers, and is a frequent collaborator with UNESCO MGIEP and Games for Change. His latest book is Gaming SEL: Games as Transformational to Social and Emotional Learning.

October 28, 2021, 4:15 pm

Designing Cognitive Supports for Children's Science Learning

Dr. Florencia Anggoro

Join this event on Zoom here:


October 7, 2021, 4:15 pm

The Fugitive Life of Black Teaching: A History of Pedagogy and Power

Dr. Jarvis R. Givens

Join this event on Zoom here:


Schools in Society Film Series

Join students, faculty, local educators, and community members interested in teaching, educational policy, educational psychology, educational leadership, and social justice in schools for a series of documentary film screenings and discussions


Career Panels with the Gordon Career Center

Careers in Education Journalism

Thursday, October 14, 2021 

12:00pm - 1:15pm EDT

The need for top-notch coverage of education is more pressing than ever. What does it take to work as a journalist covering the complex issues in education today? How can education reporters make an impact in communities? Join us for a lively panel discussion to learn about education journalism, what's needed in the field and how to prepare for this important profession. Bring your questions! Pizza will be served outside of Boger Hall at 11:45am, event will start promptly at 12:00pm

Co-sponsored by The College of Education Studies, The Gordon Career Center and the Shapiro Writing Center

Featured Alumni:

Caroline Hendrie '81 Executive Director, Education Writers Association

Kendra Hurley '93 Policy Writer & Researcher

Liana Loewus '04 Assistant Managing Editor, Education Week


Hannah Docter-Loeb '22 Majors: Biology/Psychology Minor: Education Studies Editor-in-Chief, The Wesleyan Argus

Hannah Reale '20 Major: English Minor: Education Studies Digital Producer, GBH News, Boston


Careers in Education Policy: Jessica Bowen '11 & Sarah Rosenberg ’06

Wednesday, October 20, 2021 

12:00pm - 1:00pm EDT

The field of education is more than classroom teaching. It involves concerned people across the country researching and setting policy to guide decision makers and educators at the local, state and federal levels. Join us as we learn about entering and working in the field of education policy. Two alumni, Jessica Bowen '11 and Sarah Rosenberg '06 will discuss the state of American education policy today, their current work, and their career journeys to date. There will be plenty of career advice, too. Both have rich experience in policy work. The speakers will be virtual, on the big screen in the Gordon Career Center (GCC).

NOTE: Students may attend either in-person at the GCC, or, virtually on Zoom. If VIRTUAL, the registration link is:

View the Zoom link on Handshake here:

Pizza will be served outside of the GCC at 11:45am, prior to the start of the talk.