To satisfy the practicum requirement for the EDST Major or Minor, students need to complete either an approved course in the Practicum category or an Independent Practicum the includes at least 20 hours of contact hours with students.

There are three steps to an Independent Practicum: 

  1. before starting, submit a proposal and get approval for the practicum experience, 
  2. complete the experience, logging your hours (20 contact hours are required), and
  3. write, submit, and get approval for a reflective essay on your experience.  
  1. Independent Practicum Proposal

Students are responsible for finding their own practicum placements. There are many options, and faculty in the College of Education Studies can help you identify opportunities especially if you have specific interests, subjects, or age groups in mind. Some examples of practicum experiences that students have used in the past include:

  • Teaching for summer programs such as Breakthrough, Summerbridge, or MeshEd
  • Working at camps for children with educational or behavioral needs
  • Tutoring or teaching in programs supported by the Jewett Center for Community Partnerships such as Traverse Square Tutors, Cardinal Kids, WesReads, or WesMath

If you want any help identifying a suitable practicum opportunity, please meet with your Education Studies advisor or one of the Education Studies co-chairs. We are happy to talk through ideas with you, and we have many connections in different educational settings. 

Once you have settled on an idea for an independent practicum, you have to propose it and get approval for it. We review proposals continuously and approve them on a rolling basis. 

Submit your proposal here: Independent Practicum Form

  1. Independent Practicum Reflective Essay

After completing your practicum, please write a thoughtful, 1-2 page reflection on your experience addressing the following questions:

  • What did you learn from your practicum experience?
  • How did your practicum experience relate to what you have learned in your classes in education studies? Be as specific as you can! Aim for at least 2 or 3 connections.
  • Was there any particular moment or interaction in your practicum that you would consider an “aha” moment? Please explain.

It is important to address each of these questions. Students who do not fully address each question may be asked to revise and expand their reflections before receiving approval.  

Submit your reflection, along with documentation of 20+ hours of student contact, by email to

We try to review Independent Practicum proposals and reflections within 2 weeks. Once you submit, look out for an email letting you know that you received approval or advising you about any revisions that are needed.