Digital Scholarship



Broken web links impede the citation of scholarship, so we ensure that all URLs for our publications are stable. We are also increasingly registering Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for publications and associated data through CrossRef, primarily for textual materials, and DataCite, primarily for datasets. DOIs are used to link reference lists to the published sources, so also provide a valuable means of increasing usage of our electronic publications.


We take very seriously our responsibility for stewarding the materials we publish and distribute for the long term. We partner with the University Archives to ensure that all our print publications are archived for posterity, and with the third party digital archiving services Portico and CLOCKSS to preserve our most important electronic publications. WesScholar is regularly backed up to a distributed array of servers around North America.


We recognize that it is important to track the impact of the publications we produce and distribute and communicate this information to authors and sponsors. For publications in WesScholar, authors received a montly email describing the latest download counts compiled according to the international COUNTER standard, which filters out robots, spiders, and other extraneous use. We also track patterns of use through Google Analytics for all our online presences. We send annual reports along with royalty payments for our “for fee” products, and also provide other accounting on request.
