Conference Planning
Reserving Space
It is recommended that you reserve campus space for the conference early in the planning process. You may submit requests for space through the Room Request system (EMS) located in the Tools and Links section of your E-Portfolio or you may contact University Events & Scheduling at for advice. Events & Scheduling schedules the use of classrooms, meeting rooms and dining spaces and is experienced in planning conferences.
Conference website/blog
Contact your academic computing manger to discuss the merits of using a blog or a website. Because it will be your responsibility to add content and make updates, unless you are an experienced web builder, a blog is probably the better choice. Whichever you choose, the New Media Lab will create a custom header at no charge. If you do not want to build and maintain your site, the New Media Lab can do it all for a fee.
Guest Internet Access
To provide Internet access for attendees, a guest Wesleyan network account, using a conference username/password, can be activated for the duration of the conference. Attendees will have full Internet access, although no access to Wesleyan domain services. Contact your academic computing manager.
Wireless: Guests may obtain access via a self-registration page that is presented upon connecting to the 'wes-guest' network. Once connected, a page will request an email address and optional cell phone number where a username and password will be sent. Guest accounts will be valid for 72 hours. Guests on campus longer than that may register as often as needed. See Mac and Win instructions:
Computer labs
Most conferences are scheduled over breaks or during the summer. While these are less busy times, keep in mind that the labs may be scheduled for maintenance or other uses. This is particularly true over the summer when both Wesleyan summer session and outside groups use the labs. Contact your academic computing manager.
Event tech support
ITS’s Instructional Media Services/Special Events group provides multimedia and technical support. Videoconferencing, video and audio recording, equipment rental, and conference tech support are fee-based services. Rooms, services and equipment must be reserved through the Room Request (EMS) system in e-portfolio.
Registration and online payment
If there is a sponsoring scholarly society, they can often manage registration and payments.
If you are responsible for registration, and do not need to collect online fees, registration can be managed in a blog or website using Google Forms or a comparable free service. If you do need to collect fees online, contact your academic computing manager.
JotForms supports collection of registration info and fees. You will need a Paypal or Google Checkout account. It also integrates with Dropbox, if you want to accept file submissions.
Conference proceedings
Conference proceedings may be added by the faculty host to the conference blog or website. They may also be archived in WesScholar using its online journal module. Contact your academic computing manager for more information.
WesScholar option
WesScholar has an event module in which you can organize, tracks and sessions; accept and review talk proposals; and archive and publish papers, audio and video after the conference is over. The software is provided by a vendor, bepress, who will help with the setup.