Welcome Back

The Office of Study Abroad welcomes you back to the United States and to campus! You will want to tell people all about your experiences, and we want to help you do that! Please contact us if you are interested in being a student worker in our office (we have a limited number of paid positions), volunteering at events or serving as a peer advisor for prospective study abroad participants. We will also contact you when we have specific activities, such as pre-departure orientation, where we could use your perspectives.


Reverse culture shock is a reality commonly experienced by many upon returning from an immersive experience abroad. Many resources are available for helping you to process this experience. Our staff is happy to discuss this with you. Call to make an appointment so as to avoid student traffic during advising hours. If you are finding it especially difficult, we may refer you to CAPS. CAPS has been helping Wesleyan students with this transition for a number of years. You are not alone!