International Education Week (IEW), November 11-17, 2018, is an opportunity to celebrate the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide. This joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education is part of our efforts to promote programs that prepare Americans for a global environment and attract future leaders from abroad to study, learn, and exchange experiences.
Click the drop-down menus to view events listed by dates.
- Monday November 13
11AM - 2PM | Study Abroad for the Sciences Fair
Hosted by Office of Study Abroad
Location | Exley Lobby
Office of Study Abroad staff, faculty, and representatives from study abroad providers and institutions will be tabling in the Exley lobby. Come and learn about opportunities for science and math majors to study abroad in locations all over the world.
12:15PM | Exploring International Opportunities
Hosted by Fries Center for Global Studies
Location | Usdan 110
Opportunities abroad are incredible, but how do you determine what meets your goals? Understand how to translate and present your skills to date in an international search. Gain insight on how to build a network and make connections abroad to search for a job or internship - plus how to find funding for internships! And learn about fellowships, scholarships, and funded opportunities that will support international experiences related to your professional and academic interests. Can’t attend? Learn more here: http://wesleyan.edu/cgs/fie/fellowships/exploring-international-careers-internships.html
4:30 - 5:30PM | FCGS Open House/Reception/Appreciation
Present Photo Contest Winners Announced at reception
Hosted by Fries Center for Global Studies
Location | FCGS Commons
The Fries Center for Global Studies will host an open house to welcome all Wesleyan community members that are interested in and have supported international education and initiatives. The FCGS will recognize the 2017 Photo Contest Winners. Please join us for appetizers and drinks at this reception!
5:30 PM | International Student & Faculty Dinner
Hosted by PANGEA, Office of International Student Affairs, and Fries Center for Global Studies
Location | Russell House
PANGEA, in collaboration with the FCGS and the Office of International Student Affairs, invites all international students and faculty to join us for dinner on November 13 as a part of International Education Week! The event aims to strengthen the international community here at Wes. Students and faculty will have a chance to share their experiences and get to know each other better. Seats are limited to the first 40 students who respond so please don't forget to RSVP on Facebook!
- Tuesday November 14
12PM | Student Perspectives: Putting International Education into Practice
Hosted by Fries Center for Global Studies
Location | Fries Center for Global Studies Conference Room (Fisk 204)
Student presenters will be showcasing research, internships, academic study, language acquisition, artistic endeavors, and independent work related to their international experiences.
4PM | Germany-US Opportunities
Presenter: Thomas Dzimian (invited by Iris Bork-Goldfield)
Hosted by German Studies and Gordon Career Center
Location | Fries Center for Global Studies Commons (Fisk 201)
Thomas Dzimian, director of Career Services at the German Chamber of Commerce in New York, will introduce students to the many German companies in the U.S. and talk about internships and job opportunities available there. This event will be held at the Fries Center for Global Studies in conjunction with the Gordon Career Center and will help strengthen our German Studies program by focusing on the strong economic ties between our two countries and on the usefulness of studying German.
- Wednesday November 15
12:15PM | An Introduction to Study Abroad & Fellowships for First years and Sophomores (lunch provided)
Hosted by Class Deans and Fries Center for Global Studies
Location | Fries Center for Global Studies Commons
This event is specifically aimed at First Year and Sophomore students.
Are you thinking to study abroad during the 2018-2019 school year? Come along and find out what study abroad is all about! Study abroad staff, together with a panel of returned study abroad students, will be happy to answer all your questions.
12-1PM | Food Around the World: FLTAs Lead the Way!
Hosted by Foreign Language Teaching Fellows and Fries Center for Global Studies
Location | Global Studies (LRT)
Combining language learning with food in this event, you must learn how to say each phrase in their respective language in order to receive food. Come test your Spanish, French, Italian, and Arabic and get to know your fellow FLTAs!
5PM | Alumni Speaker: Casey Smith, ‘17 (dinner provided)
Hosted by Fries Center for Global Studies, Gordon Career Center, Wesleyan Refugee Project
Location | Gordon Career Center
Casey Smith ‘17 is a caseworker with the International Refugee Assistance Project’s litigation department. She has worked on refugee advocacy with Church World Service in Washington, D.C. and in case management with two resettlement agencies. She interned at the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration at the Office of Refugee Admissions, where she served as acting Program Officer for Central America, Latin America and the Caribbean. At Wesleyan, Casey co-founded and led the Wesleyan Rights Project, for which she organized student volunteers, fundraisers, and grassroots advocacy. Casey received a State Department Critical Language Scholarship and studied Arabic in Oman and Jordan.
8PM | Film Screening “La Soledad”
Hosted by Thomas and Catharine McMahon Memorial Fund, Department of Romance Languages & Literatures, Center for the Americas, Latin American Studies Program, and Center for Film Studies | Goldsmith Family Cinema (CFS 100)
Dir. Jorge Thielen Armand, 2016 (Venezuela, Canada, Italy)
La Soledad is a dilapidated villa in Caracas. Home of the director’s great-grandparents, it is inhabited by the dead owners’ lifelong maid, who remained to care for the house and raise her grandson, José, now 27 years of age. Despite its crumbling state, for José and his family, the house is a safe-heaven in a city plagued with crime and political chaos, a quiet oasis that they are now forced to leave because the legal inheritors have decided to sell the estate. Struggling to find a solution to save his family from homelessness, José obsesses over a cursed treasure rumored to be buried in the walls of the house. Capturing José’s real-life hardships, this fiction-documentary hybrid provides an unprecedented look at the economic catastrophe of contemporary Venezuela. Trailer: https://youtu.be/YXKPy_g0uzI
- Thursday November 16
8-8:45AM | OSA Faculty-Led Information Session
Hosted by Office of Study Abroad
Location | Fries Center for Global Studies Commons
Rise and shine and learn about leading a faculty-led, short-term study abroad course during during Winter Session, Summer Session, or (possibly) spring break. This session is for faculty members who will be preparing proposals for the 2019-2020 academic year. Coffee and light refreshments will be provided.
12 PM | Late Again? Understanding and Managing Time in Intercultural Teams
(lunch provided)
Hosted by Fries Center for Global Studies
Location | Fisk 209 (LRT)
In this interactive training session, students will discuss how to manage time preferences in intercultural settings. Students will gather in small teams for a simulation, and then share their observations and experiences. We will discuss intercultural approaches to time management that respect the deep cultural roots of how people understand, move through, and communicate time.
6PM | Introduction to Jobs and Internships for International Students (dinner provided)
Hosted by Fries Center for Global Studies, Gordon Career Center, Office of International Student Affairs, and Pangea
Location | Gordon Career Center
Staff from the Gordon Career Center, the Fries Center for Global Studies, and the Office of International Student Affairs will offer a brief introduction to internships for international students reviewing how to find an internship, how to enroll in CSPL 493 for internship credit, and working with the OISA on how to request CPT authorization. Followed by former international student, Innocent Mashinyire ‘17, who will share his experience as an international student going through the internship process.
8 PM | Film Screening: “Sholay”
Hosted by Center for Film Studies | Goldsmith Family Cinema (CFS 100)
- India. Dir: Ramesh Sippy. With Amitabh Bachchan, Dharmendra. 204 min.
A retired police chief enlists the help of two bandits to defeat a murderous crime lord, unleashing a campy current of action, melodrama, and - of course - musical numbers. At first considered a flop, Sholay has gained so much of a following that it may now be the highest grossing Hindi-language film of all time.
- Friday November 17
12PM | Faculty & Staff Development: Connecting with International Students (lunch provided)
Hosted by Office of International Student Affairs, Fries Center for Global Studies & Faculty Development
Location | Allbritton 311
This panel will focus on the flourishing number of international students. As Wesleyan’s international student population rises, what can faculty and staff learn from international students in order to best support them during their time here at Wes? What are their academic, social, and career needs? Come hear international students share their experiences at Wesleyan. - Saturday November 18
8 PM | Film Screening: “Seven Samurai”
Hosted by Center for Film Studies | Goldsmith Family Cinema (CFS 100)
1954, Japan, Dir: Akira Kurosawa. With Toshiro Mifune. 207 min. 35mm print.
Kurosawa’s enduring classic depicts the methodical last stand of the masterless ronin hired to defend a village from a horde of robbers. The brisks, multifaceted narratives works a mix of tones, ranging from lighthearted gages to bitter cynicism to intense choreographed swordplay. **Print courtesy of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.**