Please direct inquiries concerning Drop/Add to Karri Van Blarcom.
- Enrolling in the University
Students must click the “Enroll Me” button to participate in Drop/Add. Students who fail to click the “Enroll Me” button by the posted deadline.
- Important Notes
Students cannot submit enrollment requests until Drop/Add opens.
Instructors cannot take action on course enrollment requests until Drop/Add opens.
Advisors cannot take action on course enrollment transactions until Drop/Add opens.
Advisors cannot raise a student’s four full credit course limit until the first day of the semester.
All advisor approved and pending enrollments have been transferred from Adjustment to Drop/Add.
Per the Educational Policy Committee, an instructor can drop a student from his/her class list, if the registered student fails to attend the first class meeting or communicate directly with the instructor prior to the first class meeting in writing, by email, or in person.
DUE TO COVID 19 in Fall 2020:
One-week grace period for student attendance:Normally, faculty may drop a student who does not attend the first class meeting. For fall 2020, EPC has revised this policy: “Any registered student who cannot participate in the first scheduled class meeting must contact the instructor (in advance, or as soon as possible thereafter) to explain the absence. After the first week of classes, faculty may drop any student who has not done so. Browsing for other classes is not an acceptable reason for students to miss any class in which they hope to remain enrolled.”Permission of Instructor and Pre-Requisite requests are NOT valid during Drop/Add. Students must submit and instructors must approve enrollment requests.
When a 2nd/4th Quarter course has multiple general educational area assignments (NSM, SBS, HA), a student must select one general education area assignment during the five working days following the first class meeting by completing and submitting a paper form.
- Tutorial Notes
All enrollment requests and approvals must occur during Drop/Add.
Only the student can change information on the tutorial form.
The tutorial form information is FROZEN once approved by the Faculty Tutor.
Proposed tutorials become course enrollments only after receiving approval from the tutor, chair/director, and advisor.
Tutorial registration must be done thru online Drop/Add system, except: Students Forums (sign roster available from Student Leader) & Teaching Apprentice (WesPortal>Courses>Teaching Apprentice).
Faculty may require face to face meetings, communication, additional information, etc. This system only replaces the paper form.
Each student in a Group Tutorial must submit a tutorial enrollment request.
Tutorials do NOT count towards the 4 full credit course limit.
Tutorial grading modes cannot be changed once approved by the tutor.
Students wishing to drop an enrolled tutorial during Drop/Add, must click the Drop ‘x’, not the Cancel Request ‘x’.
Once a student clicks the Cancel Request ‘x’, the tutorial form is no longer accessible.
Once advisor approved, the tutorial form is no longer accessible to the tutor and advisor.
If a tutorial request is denied, the student will need to submit a new tutorial request from.