Spring 2025 Important Dates:

  • Thursday, January 16 - Wednesday, February 5: Drop/Add Period
  • Thursday, January 23: First day of classes

The Title Page

About the Template

The title page is a Microsoft Word Document. Do not convert the template to any other word processing program, or you will lose the alignment and spacing. However, this does not mean that you have to convert your thesis to MS Word. The title page does not have to be numbered and can remain a separate document from the rest of your thesis, as long you include it in the final PDF version of your thesis/essay.

How To Download and Use Your Thesis/Essay Title Page Template

  1. Click on the appropriate template, depending on whether you are writing a thesis for General Scholarship, one or more Departments, a College or Program. It is very important that you select and use the correct template

  2. Wait while the file downloads to the hard disk of the computer you are currently using.

  3. Locate the file and place it with the rest of your thesis/essay files.

  4. Replace the title, name, and department in the template with those of yourself and your thesis/essay.

  5. Do a trial printing of the title page.

Tip, Merging Title Page into Thesis: Convert the rest of your document to a PDF file and then create your title template in Word and convert it to a separate PDF file. Then, using Adobe Acrobat Pro, insert the title page into the thesis document as the first page.



Title Page Template, Honors in a College

Title Page Template, Honors in a Department

Title Page Template, Honors in a College and a Department

Title Page Template, Honors in Two Departments

Title Page Template, Honors in General Scholarship

Title Page Template, Honors in a Program