Recovery@ is a network of students and administrators who gather for mutual support as they navigate the particular challenges of recovery at Wesleyan University.
The only requirement for membership is that you be a student, faculty or staff member of the University in recovery from alcohol and/or drugs. Recovery@ is not formal therapy of any kind. Our primary purpose is to stay clean and sober, help other members of the University do the same, and support one another in making recovery at Wesleyan as enjoyable as possible.
We come together once a month during the academic year for fellowship and discussion. We support each other the rest of the month by texts, emails, social engagements and AA and NA meetings in the Middletown community.
To obtain more information or join the network please email,
If you are in recovery or seeking recovery from alcohol or other drug addiction and would like confidential resources or support please call or visit:
Counseling and Psychological Services: 860-685-2910 or
Office of Religious and Spiritual Life: 860-685-2278