Wellness Coaching @ WesWell

Looking to form a new daily/weekly habit?  Trying a new self-care strategy?  Want support in achieving your well-being goals?  Consider Wellness Coaching to support you along the way! Students can have up to three wellness coaching sessions a semester. 

WesWell staff is available to support students on their well-being journeys through 1-on-1 support for the following topics :

  • Sleep – Finding it difficult to get into a regular sleep schedule?  Maybe you are having trouble falling asleep?  Struggling to wake up in the morning? Sleep Coaching can help get you on track.
  • Exercise – Want to increase your physical activity level?  We can help you identify resources on campus and set goals to help you move your body more.
  • Overall Self-Care – this might involve stress management strategies, developing a meditation/mindfulness practice, setting boundaries, or something else.  NOTE:  If you are experiencing high stress and/or anxiety, please contact CAPS to schedule an appointment.  Wellness Coaching is not a substitute for therapy or counseling from a medical professional. Rather Wellness Coaching is here as a tool to help students unlock their full potential.
  • Sexual Health – Wondering about safer sex strategies, birth control, menstrual supplies, or other sexual health resources?  You can chat with a sexual health educator to discuss it.
  • Alcohol, Nicotine, or Other Drugs – Have questions about these topics? Want to make sure you are keeping yourself and your friends safe if you use a substance?  Or - maybe you are just looking to cut back?  WesWell has an Alcohol and Other Drug Specialist that can work with you privately to help identify and achieve your goals.
  • Recovery and Substance Free Life at Wes - Looking for support in your recovery journey? Feel like the party culture at Wes isn’t for you? Check-in with the Alcohol and Other Drug Specialist at WesWell to learn more about the resources and support available to you.

Register for a coaching session – Click HERE.

What about other topics?  Many other great resources on campus are available to help you with the following topics related to your well-being.  See links to the support resources below. 

* Indicates a confidential resource

Questions?  Contact Us