Financial Forms

Most forms and items that need to be completed can be found in WesNest. If you have questions about which form to use or how to fill one out, please feel free to email us at

Financial forms are crucial for our club leaders and other students who seek our services. These forms help us understand and address their financial needs, enabling us to reimburse students for purchases, pay vendors for services, or hire independent contractors for events. All OSI finance forms are available online through WesNest. Additionally, financial managers should be familiar with other relevant forms needed for various financial transactions and processes. Please review the following information and explore the finance and administrative website for further details.

OSI Financial Forms

  • Deposit Form is used if you want to deposit funds into your club or group income/revenue account.  You can collect cash, checks, or a combination of both from individuals or businesses that wish to support your student organization’s mission or activities.

AP (Accounts Payable) Financial Forms

  • You can find the Supplier Registration Form on the finance department website. Any outside vendors or individuals receiving reimbursement must complete the Supplier Registration Form in order to receive payment. The vendor or individual must be the one to complete the supplier registration form.
  • The Affidavit for Location of Work Performed is required for university-paid guests to verify citizenship and adjust payment if necessary. Access the form on the finance department website.