The oversubscription rule is designed to prevent a student from building a program of study that is too narrow. Any credit above the subject or category limit will not count toward the 32.00 credits required for graduation, although the credits will be recorded on the transcript and grades will be factored into GPA calculations. All credits will appear on the Credit Analysis Report, a tool that tracks oversubscription and other graduation requirements, and is available in each student’s portfolio. Students majoring in music are at particular risk of oversubscription because their performance credits add up quickly.


More specifically, the oversubscription rule stipulates:

  • Of the total 32.00 credits required for graduation, no more than 16.00 credits in any one subject can be counted toward the degree requirements. 
  • If a course is crosslisted, it counts towards oversubscription in all subjects in which it is listed, regardless of the crosslisting that the student chose during course registration. The oversubscription rule applies to all credits that are part of a student’s academic history, including pre-matriculant credit, Advanced Placement or other test credit, and transfer credit.

Oversubscription will not jeopardize graduation as long as the student has enough usable credits to meet the 32.00 credits required for graduation. For specific information about degree requirements students or advisors should contact the Registrar's Office.