Community-Engaged Learning Initiative Grants (CELIGs)

Obligations and Supports


  1. Grantees are expected to create a written agreement of obligations with their community partner(s);
  2. Grantees are expected to submit a short evaluation report following each teaching of the community-engaged learning course.  This includes a faculty evaluation of the course, community partner evaluations, and student evaluations of the community-engaged learning component.  Additionally, faculty will be asked (though not required) to approve access to their standard teaching evaluations for purposes of generating cumulative data across all community-engaged learning courses
  3. Faculty receiving Community-Engaged Learning Initiative Grant funds may be invited to make a presentation at the Jewett Center for Community Partnerships (JCCP), at division meetings, or in some other appropriate venue.


  1. The Director for Community-Engaged Learning, JCCP staff, the Allbritton Director and Administrative Assistant provide assistance as requested;
  2. Jewett Center for Community Partnerships provides resources, including community contacts, library materials, and help with transportation;
  3. Course Assistants (CAs) are available for all CEL courses for the semester preceding the semester the course will be taught  (for work with community partners and so forth), and funds for Teaching Apprentices (TAs) during the semester in which the course is taught are covered by the department offering the course or by CELIG funds;
  4. $4,000 grants, $3,000 of which may be taken as stipend.