Resources at Wesleyan
By resources "at" Wesleyan, we mean both things physically located on campus -- books and the like, on which see the first link below -- and electronic resources to which we subscribe that are available only to the Wesleyan community.
- An excellent review of resources, both on-line and print, that philosophers and philosophy students might want to use.
- Philosopher's Index. The premiere index to philosophical publications; includes journal articles and monographs from 1940 to the present.
- The Routledge Encylopedia of Philosophy: This outstanding and regularly updated resource contains articles on a vast aray of philosophical figures, texts, and topics.
- http// Many important philosophical journals are available through the library on-line, including Journal of Philosophy, Mind, Philosophical Review, Noûs, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, Philosophical Quarterly, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Ethics, Philosophy and Public Affairs, and many others.
- Chinese Philosophical Texts: Available in Chinese, for which special software is required. Computers in the Humanities Computing Lab should be equipped with this software, if you do not have it yourself.
- Past Masters Philosophical Electronic Texts: We have access to the following texts:
- Aristotle (the complete works)
- British Philosophy: 1600-1900
- Dewey (Collected works)
- Immanuel Kant: Hauptewerke [German]
- Plato: The collected dialogues
- Political Philosophy: Machiavelli to Mill
- Continental rationalists