The 25th Annual Molecular Biophysics Retreat
The 25th Annual Molecular Biophysics Retreat featured talks by two new Wesleyan faculty, Oriana Fisher and Grace McKenzie Smith, Wesleyan faculty member and Alumna Kelly Thayer, Wesleyan Alumna Adele Bubnys, and Keynote Speaker Olga Boudker.
Professor Grace McKenzie Smith was one of two new faculty speakers at the 2024 Biophysics Retreat. She presented the talk " Quantifying animal behavior with high precision across scales and contexts"
Professor Oriana Fisher presents the talk "A Trp to a Cu binding site" at the Molecular Biophysics Retreat on October 16th, 2024
Dr. Adele Bubnys, of Arbor Biotechnologies, spoke as the Alumna speaker at the 25th annual Molecular Biophysics Retreat, with a talk titled "Building brains in a dish to treat neurodegenerative disease". As a Wesleyan unergraduate, Dr. Bubnys worked in the lab of MB&B Professor Rich Olson.
Dr. Olga Boudker of the Weill Cornell Medicine Department of Physiology and Biophysics was the keynote speaker at the 25th Annual Biophysics Retreat, giving the talk "The dynamics and evolution of glutamate transporters from bacteria to humans".
A rapt audience for talks at the 25th Annual Molecular Biophysics Retreat.
Professor Kelly Thayer presented the talk "Remote Control: Molecular Dynamics and Machine Learning for Allosteric Drug Design" at the 25th Annual Biophysics Retreat. Dr. Thayer is both a Wesleyan Alumna and a current faculty member of the College of Integrative Sciences and the Biophysics Program. Dr. Thayer worked as a student in the lab of Dr. David Beveridge.
MB&B Biophysics Ph.D. students Ranjuna Weerasekera and Meagan MacDonald prep to discuss their work while setting up their posters on the morning of the retreat.
Dr. David Beveridge, a founding member of the Molecular Biophysics Program at Wesleyan University, and an Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, discusses a student's poster at the 25th Annual Biophysics Retreat poster session.
MB&B Professor Oriana Fisher listens to a student discuss their work at the Poster Session.
Professor Ishita Mukerji listens to students discuss their work at one of two poster sessions at the 25th Annual Biophysics Retreat.
Students engage in conversations around their posters at the 25th Annual Molecular Biophysics Retreat poster session.
Undergraduate and graduate students from Wesleyan and Uconn Health presented posters in two poster session at the 25th Biophysics Retreat.
Biophysics Students present posters at the 25th Annual Molecular Biophysics Retreat on October 16th, 2024.
Wesleyan Biophysics students present their work at one of two poster sessions held at the retreat on October 16th, 2024.
The poster sessions are a popular yearly tradition at the Biophysics Retreat, with dozens of students presenting their work to fellow students, faculty, guests and researchers.
This year, 29 posters were presented by undergraduate and graduate students from the Wesleyan departments of Chemistry, Biology, Molecular Biology, the College of Integrative Sciences, Physics and from the University of Connectict.
Biophysics graduate students share lunch with guest speakers Dr. Olga Boudker and Dr. Adele Bubnys.
MB&B and Biophysics faculty members enjoyed lunch together at the all-day retreat.
Student researchers in the lab of Professor Thayer sit down to eat together at the 25th Annual Molecular Biophyiscs Retreat.
Students and researchers share lunch at the 25th Annual Molecular Biophysics Retreat.
Professor Emerita Irina Russu with Professor Ishita Mukerji and Professor Oriana Fisher at the post-retreat reception.
Professor Rich Olson and keynote speaker Dr. Olga Boudker of Weill Cornell Medicine.
Wesleyan professor Rich Olson with guest speaker and Wesleyan Alumna, Adele Bubnys, who worked in Professor Olson's lab as an undergraduate student at Wesleyan.
Founding member of the Wesleyan Biophysics program, Dr. David Beveridge with Professor Kelly Thayer and Professor Michael Weir.
Members of the Wesleyan Biophysics Faculty with the retreat guest speakers stand in front of posters and photographs from the past 25 years of the Biophysics Retreat.
The 25th Annual Molecular Biophysics Retreat featured keynote speaker Dr. Olga Boudker, Alumna speaker Dr. Adele Bubnys, Alumna and Wesleyan faculty speaker Dr. Kelly Thayer, and new Wesleyan faculty members Dr. Oriana Fisher and Dr. Grace McKenzie (not pictured.)