Large Storage Options Features

Digital Storage - Media

Feature Shared Shelf* Academic Video
Brightcove* Flickr* YouTube*
Metadata support rich none rich limited limited
Discoverable limited limited limited
Open Access support
DOI/permalink support
Supports custom filenames and folders neither both neither filenames only filenames only
Best for... any file type video, audio video, audio images video, audio
Limited or unlimited viewing permissions both limited both both both
Shared authoring
Fast large file uploading with ITS assistance
Exhibition options no
Streaming or download streaming streaming streaming download streaming
Storage only
Quota by institution 10 GB+ by institution
URL or Embeddable

* cloud/off premise hosted solution

Digital Storage - Data/datasets

While there is no technical limitation to storing media on these solutions, they are not designed specifically for media nor do they have featured designed for that purpose as in the solutions above.

Feature Dragon GoogleDrive* RStore* WesScholar*
Metadata support yes with developer tools  rich
Discoverable limited
Open Access support
DOI/permalink support
Supports custom filenames and folders both both both
Best for... any file type any file type any file type images, documents
Limited or unlimited viewing permissions limited both limited unlimited
Shared authoring
Fast large file uploading
Exhibition options limited options with assistance
Streaming or download download download download download
Storage only can use with sites and other Google Apps no
Quota 10 GB+ by institution
URL or Embeddable

* cloud/off premise hosted solution